Wednesday, April 29
A Girl's Best Friend...
Either way---a diamond pendant necklace and diamond earrings this week!? Out of the blue!?
CCD told me he was running to the mall to get a new a pair of topsiders, which I agreed he was badly in need of--and comes home with the topsiders AND a bag from this wonderful place.
I think the pendant and necklace is a 'little much' but he insists that I can pass it down to Charm City Baby, which made me melt. But, the earrings on the other hand...I have not taken them off....and they're not coming off. Ever.
Tuesday, April 28
Appointment Update: 23 weeks

Sunday, April 26

Wednesday, April 22
Time to Register...

- For the ladies--and GENTS!
- Saturday, June 13th!
- At Our Home!
- A Backyard BBQ!
Charm City Daddy is excited (so I am). He wants to tent the backyard and have a live band (possibly rehire our wedding band)! That would be a lot fun, actually. But there we go "controlling" again...
Initially CCD and I were planning to have a big "Baby Clam Bake" with a raw oyster bar ( b/c I miss them so much during pregnancy) at our home in September to celebrate the arrival of Charm City Baby. It was then that we were going to tent the backyard, hire the band, etc. I'm thinking we may be too overwhelmed with CCB at that point for such an elaborate affair. Hmm.
Anyway, with the shower coming I need to take some time to register---BUT WHERE?
I have a love/hate relationship with registries. First of all, (as I learned during my wedding) I only do it online. Forget the store madness and getting the right color/styles, etc. Second, I do it alone. Charm City Daddy wants no parts of it--except maybe the carrier that will be strapped to his chest. I will show him the list and get his input on bigger items but let's face it--tis I that does the baby product research.
I'll most likely use this checklist as I have found it to be the most comprehensive. But the question remains where should I register?
Please, leave a comment and tell me where to go and if you've done this baby thing before, the "must-haves."
Tuesday, April 21
The New Facebook...
We've had great success in finding excellent au pair candidates for Olivia through our original agency, or at least we did in my opinion. But no one was good enough in the eyes of CCD.
This is how the conversations went ( with some *dramatization added*):
CCM: "Look babe, this girl had a great application, she's 22, she's Russian, fluent in German, has newborn/infant experience and she's safety certified. Perfect!"
CCD: "Uhhh yeah, but if you look at her closely she seems too frail to hold a baby, she had some health issues two years ago, and I'm thinking fluent Mandarin would be desirable as well."
CCM: "Okaaaay."
So since NO ONE could please CCD, I turned the search for an au pair over to him and he has taken it on with pure enthusiasm.
I get no less than 4 emails a day where CCD has copied me on his "cross examinations" of AP candidates via email. It's getting to be quite the entertainment. On the particular "facebook" website he uses, the responses can almost be instantaneous, where an AP can tag you, put you on their "hot list," send you a message, etc. Its crazy.
I am glad he's taking care of these initial details and he has the background to do the proper due diligence. He's narrowing the candidates and together we're choosing the person that will ultimately live with us and influence the first year (or two) of Olivia's life.
The decision will need be made by late June if visas/international travel are involved, so a little less than 2 months to go!
Monday, April 20
Daddy's On A Role!
Tonight, when I walked in the door from work, he greeted me in his suit with a wine glass of sweet tea (lol--see? he really knows and loves me!) and took my purse, bag, raincoat from me immediately and escorted me to a beautifully set dining room table (that I should have photographed, but I was overwhelmed).
The table was set for two and complete with fresh roses, the "good china," and pre-printed menus that featured a 3-course meal. Oh! and Kenny G was playing! Ha!
He had used the latter portion of his afternoon to plan, shop, and prepare a fantastic meal that included: vinaigrette drizzled T.B.M. (tomato basil mozarella), vodka sauce over fresh lobster ravioli, sauteed asparagus, and lemon meringue tarts and toasted chocolate/walnut tarts! Oh and I got kisses between courses. :)
At the end of our meal, he made us some (decaf) coffee and insisted we sit in these two chairs in our living room that we NEVER sit in b/c they are white and in a sitting area that is off to the side.
With the music still going we enjoyed our coffee, great conversation and what will soon be a rare, calming moment before Olivia takes over our lives.
Tonight's dinner was one my favorite days in a long, long time. It tops the Jetta replacement he surprised me with one day after work, or the weekend getaway he planned two weeks ago complete with Maybach and driver. Tonight CCD was the man I dated and knew I wanted to marry after our first date.
I feel like THE luckiest girl in the world. Thanks Babe.
Monday, April 6
The End of An Era...
Sunday, April 5
Nursery Update!
Nice Kicks...
This week, however, I've been feeling (and seeing) actual kicks and possibly stretches of Charm City Baby!
Of course, it's nothing like this yet...

...but it feels like it!
Charm City Daddy has been enjoying the kicks too. CCB always gives us a nice long session, enough time for me to inform CCD and for him to feel her go at it. Speak of the devil--she's going at it right now as I type.
In the beginning, it seemed like she responded to the vibrations in the car rides a lot. Now it seems like she responds to let's see: the pastor's sermon at church, anytime I lay down or sit down after doing a lot of walking around or moving, meetings at work, food, drink, anything!
I just love it! I hear later on in the pregnancy, however, it keeps you up at night. Nice! I'll enjoy this excitement while it lasts.
Wednesday, April 1
Appointment Update: 19 weeks
Charm City Baby (Olivia) is weighing in at 11 ounces. According to my pregnancy books, 6 to 7 ounces is the listed weight for 19 weeks, so I'd like to think that Oliva has a little meat on her bone. Or perhaps she's long. I like that idea too.
Here are some fun sonograms from this trip.
The profile...looks like she is blowing bubbles but that's cord...

A big foot! (my favorite of our batch this time)

And finally--a bonus 4D of CCB's face. It is way too early to get a good 4D image but...

Still feeling great, so please keep us your thoughts and prayers.