My pregnancy hormones and symptoms are really starting to surface lately.
...Like crying during simple television viewing, particularly American Idol. What is that all about? When 2nd-runner up Danny Gokey was voted off last week and started singing "You are So Beautiful" I went into full fledge histerics yelling at the TV, "Oh no, he's singing to his deceased wife--waaaaahhhh---waaaahhh." I mean I went from zero to ten in less than 3 seconds. It was so sudden and irrational that Charm City Daddy looked at me (completely puzzled and speechless) and had to ask if I was being serious. Surprisingly, I was being serious--but then it got funny--which is how I picked up how silly I was really being. Mid-Gokey performance the DVR recording abruptly stopped, and I just did one of those hiccup stops with my eyes wide-open like a deer in headlights, and that was it. Scene.
And yes, I cried at the AI finale last night too. But not at the obvious time when Chris Allen started singing his song, at the last 4 seconds of the telecast when his wife made it to his arms to give him a hug. Same pattern ensued---wailing, tears--and CUT off in a matter of 8-10 seconds.
The other thing I am seeing with more frequency are nosebleeds. They really have a tendency to sneak up on me too because I've had nasal congestion off and on the entire pregnancy. So at times when I think I just have a runny nose--it's random nosebleeds. Wierd. My OB offered to refer to me a nose specialist to zap the blood vessel if it continues to bother me, but I'm not likely to do all of that. I need to keep some "harmless pity symptoms" to show CCD this pregnancy thing ain't easy.
Leg cramps are the last and final nagging thing that I really could live without. Even as I type this post my left calf still isn't fully relaxed from the cramp I woke up with this morning. I stay off my back, eat bananas and kiwi, drink more water, even had massage therapists take extra time on my legs, and nothing has really worked. It is a terrible way to wake up, and poor CCD has grown accustomed to hearing my cries and immediately sitting up mid-slumber just to go to work massaging my knotty calves. Aww he's so sweet.
Okay...we're off to Jamaica for a quick 4-days! I'll have pics and a post when I return!
Jamaica...seriously!!! Can ya'll just adopt me!?!