Here we are thinking we're going to Connecticut for the weekend to attend a brunch at the home of Charm City Daddy's prep school english teacher to reunite with his classmates and more, and we couldn't have been more wrong.
Essentially mom-in-law had put CCD's teacher up to this scheme months ago. MIL planned an elaborate "Celebration of Life" party at a local Golf Club complete with DJ, slideshow, catered menu, and an informal CCD roast of speeches from people from CCD's past--including his prep school basketball coach.
It was incredibly touching to see how many of these people were mentors to my husband and instrumental in his growth as a man, husband, and soon-to-be father. I fought tears during the speeches at least twice.
There must have been about 75 people there. It was so nice to see lots of CCD's friends and family turn out for the occassion and come in from New York. It was a great opportunity to meet many of them for the first time.
Oh! Did I mention the cake? I devoured a good portion of it myself. Beautiful and delicious.

This is the only photo I was able to take. There was a photographer, so hopefully I will get a few snapshot from his collection soon!
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