Monday, December 14

Charm City Baby's Christmas List

Although she has no clue, Olivia has a nice little Christmas list and it seems to be getting longer and longer by the day.

Because Charm City Daddy has spoiled her by always making her stand up and she LOVES standing up, the first item on the list is this jumparoo:

Then I thought--better go ahead and get the walker because we'll need that soon too.

Then today I saw this cute little scarf (neckie) on Halle Berry's little girl...and thought "awwww my little girl would look cute in that too!"

And can I say something about how quickly we are losing floor space to all things baby? Ahh! I was at Babies R Us this weekend and almost purchased the bouncer and walker but when I saw how enormous they were in person, part of my heart sank and I had the selfish new parent feeling like---"we must surrender MORE of our grown up home to MORE baby stuff? Really? Geez."

Then we went to a Christmas party at a friend's house later that day--a friend who has surrendered the entire second level (aka family room and formal dining room) of her townhouse to an enormous kids area. I am not kidding. She had everything, every contraption or toy you EVER saw in the store and wondered if your child would really like it or if it would waste your money.  It was perfect for the Christmas party b/c we all brought our kids and they entertained themselves. I also got to "test drive" the bouncer and walker (she had the exact ones  I was looking at) with Olivia. Guess what? Olivia LOVES them both! Charm City Daddy and I looked at each other within seconds of putting Olivia inside them and said "Oh yeah, we've gotta get these." Crap.

So, there goes more of my coveted living room square footage. Oh well. For the development of her gross motor skills and perhaps 45 minutes of baby pre-occupation,  it is definitely worth it. Ho! Ho! Ho!*

(*for some reason, I'm lovin' that phrase this year)

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