Wednesday, January 6

Bye Bye Crackberry...

Helloooooo iPhone!

To my darling Crackberry:

The time has come for us to go our separate ways. I can't believe I am saying this, but I need more---or actually LESS. I've grown tired of carrying around my work smart phone, you, my ipod, and worrying about what calendar appts, contacts, pics, music are synchronized with my macbook or work PC or you or whatever I'm carrying. I need simplicity--and iPhone will give me that. One phone. One calendar. One set of contacts. All of my emails, pics, videos, and music in one pretty place.

You did a great job of handling all of my email accounts (work and personal) and made texting and emailing a breeze on your perfect little qwerty keyboard. In fact, if there is anything I will miss most about you, it will be that lovely shiny keyboard of yours--oh and the many lists I kept in memopad, oh and documents to go! You were like my little thumb drive.

I will miss the good times we had. We've been faithful friends for what--4 years now? I even got your latest edition the Bold 9700--and it was a fun little ride, but honestly--even with the new touchpad, you've lost your sheen.

At any rate, I think this new iPhone will be better for me and my new role as a mom. There are apps that can teach Charm City Baby her ABC's, foreign languages, and so much more. So you see it isn't you. It's me!


Charm City Mama

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