Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Thursday, August 5

Never Happened.

Remember those pillows I set out to make? Well to that idea I say a big fat HA! Never happened.

Remember that toddler/tween room I am planning? Since the chair purchase, NADA.

Remember that sewing machine my mom left for me? Hasn't budged. 

Does that stop me from lying to myself about what new projects I want to accomplish around the house? HECK NO!

And now Prudent Baby's bed roll is my latest infatuation and lie to myself, but I suppose I have sometime before Olivia will need one of these to take naps somewhere other than home. I am warning you now, don't EVEN click through to the link or you will want to do it too. Soooo cute!

Now that I think about it, the last sewing project that actually I completed (other than a button here or hem there) were pillows for my college apartment. And btw, I still use them. They are sitting on the built-in benches in our basement. Pitiful.

Tuesday, June 15

Recommended Reading: Prudent Baby

Two weeks ago I discovered a blog that I am convinced is written just for me as I reenter my design phase (it comes and goes). Mommies of the world, Prudent Baby is the shizz-nit.  It contains all kinds of DIY craftiness--and not junk and crap you'll hate in 2 months--stuff you can actually use/gift.

For example: one of the categories across the top menu bar is "Hot Mess Mommy" which includes a list of tips to spruce yourself up as well as DIY accessories you can craft yourself.

Last year, when I spent nearly $40 on a nursing cover from Nordstrom and my mom saw it she nearly had a fit. She said "That is so EASY! Why didnt I think of that?! I could be a millionaire!" And she is right. Prudent Baby teaches you how to make same nursing cover in a designer fabric of your choice (always my problem--hated the fabrics selections) AND for a fraction of the price. BAM! There it is...

Reading Prudent Baby is kind of like watching the Food Network for me. I know I'll never make it, but I really appreciate seeing how it is done and maybe....just distant day I will muster up the ambition (and time) to do it. It also takes me back to my childhood summer breaks--when I first realized I loved The Home Show and all it represented. Remember that show? It came on before the soaps. At the ripe old age of 8, I never missed it--until it was canceled.

Crafts are always more fun in groups. I keep dreaming of the idea of teaching a baby/mommy-related craft to the mommies at Olivia's 1st year birthday party---which I have been slacking on planning (yep). 

Anyway---check out Prudent Baby for yourself and get inspired to do something---eventually.

*Also, I must say this is totally unsolicited--the folks over at PB (Jacinda and Jaime?) don't know me from Adam---or Eve. This post could please them--or totally freak them out...I'm okay with either occurrence.