Showing posts with label accessories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accessories. Show all posts

Friday, February 4

The Big 3-0!

Lil' ole' me is turning the big 3-0 on Superbowl Sunday.

Not with much fanfare though, I am pregnant after all.

Yep, those hopes of whipping out those liquid leather croc-embossed leggings that I sported during my last trip to Vegas will not be part of celebration as planned. Not that the thought didn't cross my mind--hey, they ARE stretchy, but that would just be wrong.

To be honest, I've been approaching this milestone with much anxiety. I've really enjoyed being in my 20's. My older sister assures me, however, that the 30's are a great decade because you still can pass for your 20's but have the wisdom of the decade past.

That DID make me feel better.....and so did the thought of me buying myself something really grown-up to commemorate the milestone. You know, a big girl purchase... like crazy designer pumps that I will hardly wear or freak out if the soles gets scratched up or a designer purse that will give me buyer's remorse within 24 hours

I still can't rationalize the pumps...but the purse?? *evil laugh*

Enter... the Louis Vuitton Sofia Coppola Collection. My mouth has been watering over these for some time as Miss Sofia perfectly combined the classic barrel with the convenience of a shoulder strap. Problem is price..a minimum $2k+ investment. Ouch! But oh,  so lovely, yes?

Enter...the new Tory Burch Robinson Collection. For an easier-to-live-with $500, I get the same look, function and even a fun color like green!

And maybe--just maybe if I love, love, love it and use it constantly--I will have less remorse investing in the Sofia Coppola bag later in a more neutral color, when I've saved up a enough pennies in my guilt-free bag fund. Maybe.

It's fun to dream.

Tuesday, April 6

Wanted: stuff I don't need...

Its been a while since I've really been into Michael Kors accessories but I'm liking this clear acrylic watch (sigh)...

The burglar took my 2 expensive watches and--gee thanks--left behind the Fossil watch that McDonald's gave me after a speech during my beauty queen days. This of course, cracked Charm City Daddy up. He always hated that watch which is why he gave me a nice one--now gone! Not so funny.  So technically I should have a replacement and this MK watch is only a fraction of my loss! Good enough excuse?

I also like this bag (double sigh). It sorta looks like a Hermes Birkin and has the chain strap I've been wanting on a bag this season. AND it's cheaper than the Tory Burch tote I've also been scoping. Mommy-hood has taken me into the realm of REALLY big bags and totes or toting around wallets in diaper bags. I just bought my big bag for the year (and maybe next year too) in Scottsdale. I really shouldn't be looking at anything!

When I get these types of feelings about stuff I don't need, I usually just wait a week or two and see if the feeling passes. If I can't stop thinking about it, I'll make a move---with a coupon code.

Monday, July 6

Diaper Bag Selections

The very first item I bought when I found out I was pregnant (besides a few books) wasn't a onesie, or a bib, or even a taco (to satisfy my mexican food cravings), it was a diaper bag.

As a self-proclaimed purse lover, it was one of the first things I thought about. And unlike maternity clothes (not knowing my size, or how/where my body would change), or baby gear (not knowing what's best), it was one of the few things during my pregnancy that I felt confident I knew enough about to purchase at anytime.

In January, I happened upon a Kate Spade outlet store which is surprising because I've never really been into her bags. You could even say I gave it the college try when I bought a SOHO knock-off on a college trip to NYC in 1999 when they were enjoying uber popularity. I may have used that purse for 2 weeks--tops.

Imagine my surprise when I see a bag that I love and (to me) looks nothing like a diaper bag. In fact, it looks like one of Kate's signature tote bags.

It's gender neutral--great b/c at that point I didn't know what we were having. It didn't have those elastic bottle pockets that poke out and make the bag look bulky. It had nice leather details, and seemed to be made of stain resistant fabric. It came with a changing pad and included several organization compartments inside. Perfect for me. The best part was they were having a sale and I got it for less than $100.

Knowing how I am and how I like to change things up a bit. I remained open and on the prowl for other chic bags at great prices. Enter Tim and Leslie. In early June, this site had $300-$400 bags for a little more than $100 with free shipping. And so I scooped up my little friend Jane here for $139-delivered.

What can I say about Jane? She is amazing and came with everything: a changing pad, wipes/diaper zipper bag, bottle holder zipper case, a matching mommy wristlet/clutch, pacifier holder, extra strap, pill/paci case, 5 pocket compartments inside, hooks galore, and a whole lotta style.

I only wish she also came in white patent leather too for Spring 2010--but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'm expecting to get a lot of use out of both of these bags, but undoubtedly one will be favored over the other. Right now my money is on Jane.

Once I get into the thick of motherhood and my routine, I'll be sure to post some reviews of how all of this stuff is working for me.

Sunday, July 5

Nursery Update:Backorders and Bad Design

A few developments to report as the nursery nears completion...

First--the changing table topper was a BUST! I knew I wouldn't like the way it makes the base dresser sit out from the wall, but I was not prepared for the fact that it wasn't going to be compatible with the standard changing pad. IKEA this is not like you. You are better than this. What happened here?

I was willing to take the extras space on top for wipes/supplies, but the topper can't even hold the pad. See it sitting up on the side instead of inside? Boo!

Second--the dresser knobs I ordered finally arrived! The first company I used was terrible and failed to let me know the knobs were on backorder. Terrible service. Full refund. I ended up finding an even better knob with a second company--but they only had 10 in stock (but they called and told me up front) so I got the first 10 and I'm waiting for the remaining six on backorder in a couple weeks.

So far, so good...what do you think?

Originally I had chosen a standard yellow knob but I'm glad I ended up with the butterflies. They are fun! I thought the room could use a few more feminine touches. I also ordered a standard yellow knob, in case the nursery will need to take on a masculine look for baby #2. That's right--we're running all (4) of the future 'CharmCity' babies through this room--that's the plan anyway.

Finally, when decorating nurseries or bedrooms most folks start with the bedding. I always knew I wanted a nice plain white set, but for us, it's one of the last things to arrive in the nursery. It arrives Monday! I'll do another update or perhaps it's time for a finale when I get it all set.

Next Up: My Diaper Bags!

Monday, June 8

Perfect Timing

Browsing around the web, I discovered two iPod touch/iPhone applications that time your contractions and then logs them for you so you can see if your contractions are getting closer together. Neat!

One is called Contraction Master ($.99). If you don't have an iPhone or iPod touch you can also use the application right from the website (for free)--provided you have the time (and sanity) to do so mid-labor. There are also applications to help you track nursing and diaper changes.

The other timer is called Labor Mate ($.99).

Check 'em out!

Tuesday, June 2

Week 28 Baby Bump: Smuggling a Basketball...

Check out my Spalding...

My baby bump has really taken off over the past 2 weeks and I certainly have the weight gain and (the much dreaded) partial "outie" belly button now to prove it. Yikes!

To date I've gained something like 23 lbs!! I try not to think about it too much. I just hope breastfeeding lives up to its hype in the weight loss department.
*A special congrats to fellow (now former) preggo, Jamie who welcomed beautiful 6 lb and 9 oz baby boy "Deuce" into the world today. Yay!

Friday, May 29

"The Baby Wants..."

One of the perks of being pregnant is (don't judge me for saying this but) "blaming the baby."
You don't blame the baby in a bad way--just use the baby as an excuse to get what you want!

Allow me to demonstrate...

Charm City Daddy: What do you want for lunch today babe?
Charm City Mama: Baby wants a cheeseburger with pickles and mustard!
Charm City Daddy (doesn't eat redmeat or pork): You redmeat eatin' fool! You can't be feeding my baby that when she's born.
Charm City Mama: I know, I know, but the baby wants it!
Charm City Daddy: Okay, you're lucky you're pregnant.
Charm City Mama smiles big like a kid.

So, Charm City Baby and I were perusing our blogs this morning and guess what "baby wants?" This adorable, washable Owlie Pillow from Jaya Loves Takeko!

It would be perfect for her room. And every Olivia should have an Owl--it just goes hand in hand in my mind. Owl-livia.

So now the nursery has turtles, butterflies, sheepskin, zebra stripes, and possibly OWLS! I love it and I think she'll love it too.

Oh, and check back soon--An Appointment Update is coming...I've got new ultrasound pics of CCB!

Friday, May 1

Baby Bag Love...

We all know about my purse obsession by now. Check out this beauty I discovered on my new favorite blog.

..and just when you thought it couldn't get any better...

Dear Ms. Chloe Bag, You had me at "hello."

Sunday, April 26


Just as soon as I write a post about the difficulty of registering, I find a bottle that I can't really register for...

This dilemma reminds me of a funny story. The other day when I was telling Charm City Daddy that registering is so hard b/c it's hard to choose just one or two stores for everything. He responded, "I know, its like we need to find a 'Brookstone Baby' and all of our prayers would be answered."

*I paused* Must.keep. straight. face. lips. tight. hold. breath.

It was all I could do to hold back bursting into laughter b/c he was serious. I love that man. But honeslty, I believe this bottle would be at his "Brookstone Baby" store.

Thursday, February 26

I "heart" purses...

I have always loved purses.

In fact, my mom will tell you that I even carried them around when I was 2 or 3 years old. Although back then I thought purses were to be carried on your bicep when your arm is flexed upward like a muscle man with your fist in the air.

When I see another woman, I'm more likely to look at her purse--not her shoes. I can't help it. It is very telling. You should try it sometime.

The older I get, the more attached I get to my purses--and thus the pickier I get.

My purse purchases today have to meet several criteria:

1. Versatility with multiple looks (casual, professional, dressy).
2. Neutral (goes with most outfits--but doesn't have to match my shoes).
3. Superb Quality & Craftmanship (patterns line up, great materials, lining, pockets, feet)
4. Durable (usually leather or some other durable fabric)
5. Functional (size, shoulder vs. handbag, closures)
6. Classic (not too trendy)

In addition to all of these things, it should be pleasing to the eye, something I can live with for a long time, and not too too flashy of its maker or brand.

Because all of this goes into my purse "investments" I usually only make one purse purchase a year to keep things under control.

A few years ago, Charm City Daddy was nice enough to indulge me in my all-time favorite purse--my black leather Gucci Hobo seen here.

I love this purse for many reasons--one being no one knows its Gucci unless they are familiar with the trademark horsebit buckle--or see the striped lining (which makes finding buried things so much easier).

Last year, after much studying, testing, lifting, visiting I settled on this "edgy" but classic beauty, from Burberry. It's a handbang that celebrates my ode to having free hands, with no kids-in-tow! It's big too--a great airport carry-on.

But now, it's time for me to turn to something more mom "practical." And this is what I've had my eye on (for months)...The Burberry Check Lowry Bag--a shoulder bag that can go cross body.

I really like. You like? Mommies (and fashionistas) of the world, what do you think?

Oh and if you think this purse obsession is bad, wait until you see my diaper bag selection. :)