Showing posts with label baby gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby gear. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 21

Car Seat Challenge

I have been looking for Olivia's post-infant, convertible car seat for oh, I don't know the last FIVE months? She is now handily over 20 pounds and as tall as ever so my deadline has arrived and I cannot make a decision.

Last month, I even pulled up curbside to Babies R Us to actually test out a seat in my car with Olivia. No go.  There was so much side impact on that thing I could hardly get her in and out AND I had to move both the front seats of my X3 forward to install it rear facing. Not good.

I am most preoccupied with the sizes of these beasts. They are HUGE. Have you seen what is on the market these days to protect kids in the car? Where are these children going and how do their mothers drive? There are cushions at every angle, and air , oh and don't forget the 100-point harness and jumbo sippy cup and snack holder. Too. much. Also can I say that I hate the faux suede?

Now since the BRU episode mentioned above we purchased a new family car (to end all family cars) BUT I don't care what you drive, space is a premium in any car. After all there should be room for other passengers  and quite possibly additional carseats that aren't enormous as well.  And hey, here's a thought. Let's make sure there is room for the driver to actually operate the vehicle in addition to that big-ass car seat.  With a large seat, extended rear facing can be problematic in certain cars and I want Olivia to remain rear facing for up to 30 lbs--at least.

Don't get me wrong I am all for safety that's why I haven't just gone out and purchased the smallest (cutest) car seat I've seen so far, the Combi Coccoro...

Mmm, I do love that Combi though. But it's $199 ($169 on sale at Target) and only holds baby up to 40lbs. I need more capacity at that price. It's got a great video that demos how 3 of these bad boys can fit in the back of a compact sedan. The city mama in me loves that--but then I think --wait that translates to three kids under 40lbs at once? Ooph! Not gonna happen.

The Britax models come highly recommended all-around, but they are even more pricey than the Combi and run rather large. But they are oh so nice...this one's my favorite but it's only available on pre-order at the moment (goes on sale August 19th)...and $309!!

So basically, I want you mama's out there to tell me what has worked for you. I am thinking long term here like I did with all of my other gear, so it needs to be great quality, unisex, and in this case small enough to allow room for other car seats, passengers. Help me. Please.

Wednesday, July 14

Video Monitor Stalking

Do you stalk your baby on the video baby monitor like me?

Please tell me I am not the only mama in the world that watches her baby with delight and then grabs her iphone to capture the cute or funny moments like...

..."butt in air"

or "groggy, confusion over pacifier location"....

 the "upside down toss and turn"

the "hand-to-forehead dramatic pose"

 and the plain old, mamarazzi, stalkeresque captured cuteness.

It's been interesting to see how much Olivia moves around as she grows and takes up more and more of her bed.

One more confession: I also record mini videos...of the video monitor. Don't you judge me!

Friday, February 5

Let's Potty!

Five months into motherhood and three months into cloth diapering I've definitely formed my preferences on what I use and when I use it. Here goes...

1. gDiapers - Great hybrids for travel or excursions when you don't want to carry around soiled cloth diapers. Sleeker, more fitted than pockets or all-in-one's (hence great for newborns) but there are drawbacks when explosive poos happen. This diaper has never leaked on us, but the disposable liner often cannot contain all of the #1 or #2 and the plastic pocket holding it as well as the cloth cover often become the 2nd and 3rd lines of defense and end up soiled as well. So you will find yourself changing the entire set, not just the disposable lining as intended. These diapers are very expensive and no cheaper than disposables. Olivia outgrew the smalls, and I am reluctant to buy medium covers and liners to start over again.  Also *clears throat*, I do not recommend flushing these "flushable" disposable liners even in big commercial toilets. One Sunday, Charm City Daddy and I were in tears from laughing so hard about the hurting we put on a brunch buffet, and the punishment Olivia did to the bathroom of the same establishment. Ahhh, our happy little, destructive family.

2. Giggle Infant Bath Seat - Olivia took her first bath in this little seat (which sits in the big tub) and will still be using this seat until she is at least 7 or 8 months old. It allows baby to lay back with head support and the seat has a hole that allows it to fill with water to immerse the vital areas.  I wrote a review on the Giggle website months ago that says it all.

3. Giggle Organic Pre-Folds - Thick, soft, absorbent, washes clean and easily the best pre-fold on the market. They make other pre-folds look like 1-ply toilet paper. I used these more when Olivia was on the small side--between 8-10 lbs, but keep them around as emergency backups. I wrote a review on the Giggle website for these as well. Five Stars! Use with Snappi Diaper Fasteners.

4. BumGenius 3.0 Cloth Diapers - Easy to use. Easy to clean. Easy to size (adjustable). I just said easy three times! Each time they come out of the wash, I am always amazed to see how clean they get considering the damage Olivia can do. I must admit Olivia moving to solids has taken cloth diapering to a new level. I mean, you can't really look at poo as poo anymore. It's more like play-doh or something. 

Also Great: A&D and Balmex Daily Skin Protective Ointment for when we use disposables while traveling or when Olivia needs a little added moisturizing, protection.

I hope these gear reviews are helping gift givers, moms, and moms-to-be out there! I know I read lots of mommy blogs and reviews (still am!) gearing up for Olivia.

*I was not compensated or gifted any of these items for the purpose of this review.

Sunday, January 31

Charm City Mama's BIG Baby Gear Review

I've been promising this review for some time, but wanted to make sure I only recommended products that have really helped me in these first 5 months or so of motherhood.

There are many more things than I have listed here that have also helped us survive, but I thought I would narrow it down to the most helpful items. Some of these things I discovered on my own. Some were recommended from other moms; some gifted. All are wonderful. Enjoy!

Toys: Momentary Bliss
1. Soothe & Glow Seahorse - This was a gift that Olivia has had since birth and soothes her right to sleep. It's portable and it glows for light utility and babies are drawn to light. It has multiple songs which I have memorized in order. It's hard to believe she used to be nearly the same size as this little thinkg and I would support her back with it during her naps.Washable!
2. Sassy O Links - Also a gift that keeps on giving. These go everywhere. The stroller, the activity jumper, the changing table, the car. EVERYWHERE. She loves grabbing them, biting them, shaking them, throwing them and they link togethe to connect to anything. Buy multiples!
3. Baby Einstein Lights and Melodies Discovery Center - Another gift! I was skeptical about this one, b/c I thought it would be the same as her Boppy play gym, but this thing is ANOTHER LEVEL. An experienced mom, gave me this and told me that this would give me a solid 20 minutes maybe more. She is a genius and I silently thank her every time I use it. It also grows with baby--love that!
4. Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper - This was Olivia's gift from Santa. Thanks Santa. We decided on this jumper over others, because it folds and can be put away--although we have never put this puppy away and never will. We love music, so Olivia has learned to dance in this jumper when we dance in front of her or clap. It's so cute.
5. Cloud B Sleep Sheep Sound Machine - I use this interchangeably with the seahorse and prefer the on-the-go version over the big one for its versatility. It has a 20 min or 45 min timer settting. Volume control is great. Washable! It velcros to the bed and gets packed on all overnight trips. I like the ocean sound the best. Charm City Daddy likes the whale sounds best. Olivia likes them all!
* Honorable Mention: Little Lamb Swing - only an honorable mention because I wanted to only choose 5 items, but this one is easily my favorite item, particularly in the early days for all of the sleeping newborns do. Now the toy attachments and mobile are great distractions for momentary bliss.


Feeding: When Hunger Strikes
1.  Baby Bjorn Bibs - Gift. When Olivia started solids, this is the only bib that makes sense to use otherwise you'd be piling up laundry with crusty cloth bibs. Who wants that?  The "bucket" on the bottom is handy. This contours on her comfortably and wipes clean. Love that!
2. Prince Lionheart Bebe Pod Plus (Orange) - Gift. While this resides in the kitchen now, it started off in our bedroom b/c that little "Price Is Right Wheel" that snaps into the tray is a wonderful, wonderful thing. The toy occupies baby while you prepare food (hers or your own). The placemats make for easy clean up, and the little nob make the pod a versatile seat for anywhere in the house. Did I mention how wonderful the wheel is? Absolutely wonderful. Only setback, Olivia's fat legs may not fit under the tray for much longer.
3. Similac Ready-To-Feed 2 Ounce Bottles - Lifesavers! Church. Restaurants. Mall. Car. You name it. Nipple ready and perfectly proportioned in 2oz increments, so I can just open them in rapid succession until the hunger is satified without wasting any! Yay! Don't leave home without them.
4. Avent Trainer Handles - You can buy these separately or you can just pull them off of Avent Magic Sippy Cup like I did and put them on your Avent bottle. Either way, you will be one step closer to giving yourself and your baby independence in holding her own bottle. Freedom is around the corner.
5. Boon Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon - Great for at-home OR on-the-go. To me, it doesn't make sense to put baby food that's already in portable plastic containers in this spoon, so I prefer to use it for cereals and oatmeal. I mix them right inside the orange handle and serve without messing up other dishes/utensils. It works beautifully with one hand leaving the other one free to text message, feed yourself, or place squarely on your hip for sass and has a cap for portability or saving food for later.

Go Gear: Go Baby Go
1. Joovy Kooper Umbrella Stroller - Yes, that's right. I am recommending this stroller over my other one. OMG! It's portable, lightweight, easy to use/fold, stylish, enormous canopy, lots of storage. The manufacturer says don't use it until your baby is 6 months, but I reclined it all the way back and inserted a #5 and Olivia was perfectly safe at 2 months old on the streets of New Orleans.
2. JJ Cole Bundle Me/ Bundle Me Lite - I recommend and own both of these mini sleeping bags. One is like a fleece lined windbreaker (Lite) the other is like faux shearling coat.  I've used them on strollers and the infant car seat. It's tough enough getting your babe buckled up without bulky coats and this solves that by providing warmth/protection over the baby. Many use blankets that fall and get nasty. Make the investment in this folks. You can also pull it over the baby completely too--a lovely little cocoon wherever you go.
3. Baby Bjorn Carrier - Pregnant couples (mostly dudes) stop and ask us if we like this thing all the time. They are most concerned with whether it is comfortable for men's broad shoulders. It is. It is very easy to use. We have two. I think that says it all.
4. SafeFit Baby In Sight Mega Mirror - Recommended by a fellow mommy. You may wonder how does seeing your baby help if you are driving anyway? Get it, and you'll understand. It allows you to quickly see what the problem is so you can FIX it: lost pacifier, sun in eyes, toy out of reach, tired, hungry (rooting). Yeah, just get it and thank me (and the mommy who told me about it) later.
5.  (not pictured) Kiddopotamus Snuzzler - I've used this a lot more than I thought I would, particularly when traveling and the car service shows up with a toddler car seat for your 2 month-old. It pretty much stays in the Joovy stroller.
* Honorable Mention: Baby Bjon Carrier Cover - If you own the Bjorn Carrier and live in a cold climate, owning this is not an option; it is a necessity. It fits snuggly and fastens on so it ain't going nowhere. We use it shopping, and even used it today at Nationals Park for fan day.

Well that's it! Still with me? A review of cloth diapers is also coming soon. Lots to talk about there, so come on back.

*I was not compensated or gifted any items to review for this post.

Friday, January 15

Put a Sling On It!

Have you seen this wonderful absurdity?

(Courtesy of Marvelous Kiddo)

(*the little boy's reaction in front to all of the dancing and hand gestures really sealed the deal for me)

I've found best way to unwind after a long day at work is to turn up my iPod boombox and dance (full-out) with Olivia in my arms--and sometimes for a good 30-minute stretch. She loves it and I tell myself it's my mini workout.

Anyway...we haven't jammed to this one yet- we mostly do Rihanna and Black-Eyed Pea-but I am kicking off my weekend with this little number tonight!

It's been a crazy busy work week. Be back soon with updates.

Monday, December 14

Charm City Baby's Christmas List

Although she has no clue, Olivia has a nice little Christmas list and it seems to be getting longer and longer by the day.

Because Charm City Daddy has spoiled her by always making her stand up and she LOVES standing up, the first item on the list is this jumparoo:

Then I thought--better go ahead and get the walker because we'll need that soon too.

Then today I saw this cute little scarf (neckie) on Halle Berry's little girl...and thought "awwww my little girl would look cute in that too!"

And can I say something about how quickly we are losing floor space to all things baby? Ahh! I was at Babies R Us this weekend and almost purchased the bouncer and walker but when I saw how enormous they were in person, part of my heart sank and I had the selfish new parent feeling like---"we must surrender MORE of our grown up home to MORE baby stuff? Really? Geez."

Then we went to a Christmas party at a friend's house later that day--a friend who has surrendered the entire second level (aka family room and formal dining room) of her townhouse to an enormous kids area. I am not kidding. She had everything, every contraption or toy you EVER saw in the store and wondered if your child would really like it or if it would waste your money.  It was perfect for the Christmas party b/c we all brought our kids and they entertained themselves. I also got to "test drive" the bouncer and walker (she had the exact ones  I was looking at) with Olivia. Guess what? Olivia LOVES them both! Charm City Daddy and I looked at each other within seconds of putting Olivia inside them and said "Oh yeah, we've gotta get these." Crap.

So, there goes more of my coveted living room square footage. Oh well. For the development of her gross motor skills and perhaps 45 minutes of baby pre-occupation,  it is definitely worth it. Ho! Ho! Ho!*

(*for some reason, I'm lovin' that phrase this year)

Monday, November 9

Warmie Regards!

Dear Prince Lionheart:

I have to give it to you. The quality of your bamboo warmies may be a bit compromised, but your customer service is not.

You responded to my email immediately and handled my biting complaint with such class and understanding--so much so, it made me feel bad and apologize for writing it (pure. genius). Thanks for taking my parental feedback into consideration and letting me vent a little.

I'm glad to hear you are feverishly working on a solution to the frayed warmies and looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

Warmie Regards,

Charm City Mama

Tuesday, November 3

Warmies are WHACK!

Dear Prince Lionheart:

Your uber chic, eco-friendly, natural, and soft bamboo "reusable" cloth wipes aka "warmies" SUCK! I have 30 of them and a 1/3 of them unraveled to shreds on their first (isolated, delicate) wash.

I find it ironic that those of us who were stupid enough and made the investment in these wipes thinking that we were getting the best for our little ones, ended up wiping our babies bums with tattered rags. Not cool.We would have been better off just buying regular old, cheapo baby washcloths which would be a much better value, much more resilient, and (get this) more REUSABLE than your poor excuses for cloth wipes.

I know I am not the first mom to complain, and I won't be the last. Get your act together Prince Lionheart. Line the perimenter of the cloth wipes in a sturdier fabric or something. Use some 21st century technology to fortify the fibers. Your website flippantly suggests "replacing the wipes as needed." Oh you bet I will replace them, but not with more WHACK-ASS warmies.


Charm City Mama

Tuesday, October 13

Traveling with Baby...

So we have finally arrived at the much anticipated First Family Trip.  This Friday daddy, baby, au pair, and I are packing up and heading to New Orleans for the weekend for a wedding in the French Quarter.

Long before Charm City Baby was born, we decided we wanted to bring her with us on this trip, so I've had baby-traveling-anxiety pretty much ever since.  Ahh!

Here are the thoughts that have been racing through my mind since we booked our tickets 3 months ago...

Should we bring the car seat?Will we need the stroller or the baby bjorn carrier in the airport? If I bring the stroller should I bring the bassinet or the car seat? Can I keep the baby strapped to me in at the security checkpoint? Do strollers go on the belt for the x-ray scanner? What if baby cries in first class? How can I prevent it? How will I make it stop? Will people hate us? Where do you change baby diapers on planes? If we take a towncar/cab/shuttle from the airport will they require us to have our car seat? If we go out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner in NOLA and we have no carseat what will we put our baby in?

We've resolved some of these issues (like we're not bringing our carseat--car service will arrived equipped), but not all of them . I'm sure we'll figure it all out. I guess we just have to go through it once to figure out what will work for us. The problem is, Charm City Daddy isn't the smoothest expert traveler, and by that I mean he has no real "system" routine to move efficiently and quickly without forgetting or losing something. I find this silly because he travels all of the time! Go figure.

The good news is, since the trip is just for 2 nights--I'm thinking we can skip checking bags. Also as much as we like to travel and intend to bring the baby with us, I decided to invest in this highly recommended umbrella stroller (in lime green), so I can take the stroller all the way up to gate check. There is nothing wrong with our main stroller, but it doesn't fold as straightforward as an umbrella and the fact that it required its own travel bag sends off red flags to me. I'd die if a wheel axle or something got bent. Plus I don't think it wise to leave it to airport folk who often damage luggage on-the-regular to fold and throw around what was a significant investment that had BETTER last through the rest of my child producing years. Okay!?

Other than all of that silliness, I'm really looking forward to my first visit to NOLA and devouring some beignets! YEAH!

Wednesday, August 12

Baby Travel Gear

Both Charm City Baby and I (and au pair) will be making our first trip to New Orleans this October for a wedding. Charm City Daddy has been to NOLA before.

In addition to giving me "traveling-with-a-baby-on-an-airplane-anxiety, " the trip has also prompted me to look around at little travel doodads, gadgets and gear that make traveling with baby easier. Not buying. Just looking. We're already overwhelmed with baby gear as it is.

Our hotel has a crib for our room, but browsing the internet I saw this little creation by Phil and Ted for travelers and burst into a full out belly laugh...

Is this even humane?

There are no words. Well, maybe one...Straitjacket?

Tuesday, August 4

Appointment Update: Full Term 37 weeks

After all of the excitement of last week, there is absolutely nothing to report on the labor progress this week. Baa!

Here's the rundown: My blood pressure is normal. I gained 1 pound since last week. Baby is strong, in position, and sitting pretty for another week or so.

Charm City Daddy and I did, however, attend a 2 1/2 hour Breastfeeding Class lastnight. At first he resisted and worried he'd be the only guy--but he wasn't. ALL of the other dads were there and part of the course was catered to daddy participation in breastfeeding.

Specifically Dad's were instructed on how to:

  • wake the baby with skin-to-skin contact for feedings (yes, daddies go bare chested too! lol)
  • burp the baby in 3 different positions (all the guys had little baby dolls).
  • help mom get baby in the proper latch position.
  • encourage mom during feeding.
  • finger feed the baby (with syringe) if supplementing becomes necessary.

It was very informative and allowed me to ask more questions about the type of pump I am considering purchasing or renting--although I'm no closer to a decision. Our pediatrician recommends that I use the hospital pump in the first few weeks to a month because of its industrial strength and value. My hospital uses the commercial-hospital grade of the AMEDA pump.

They apparently work faster than the Medela pumps and more suction adjustment range. The hospital doesn't discriminate though--they also sell Medela pumps in their little mommy boutique, too. Have you seen the new freestyle? It looks really fancy--aka pricey.

I've held out on purchasing the pump until now b/c my pediatrician told me that if the baby was born premature, most insurance companies would cover the cost of a breast pump. Now that I am officially full term--I think I've missed that opportunity. Shucks.

I guess it's time to suck it up. Ooh. Bad joke.

Tuesday, July 7

A Change of Heart...

It is safe to say I have come full circle on my philosophy on changing tables.

First, I was hesitant to buy one because I thought it was a waste of money for a temporary piece of furniture. Then I rationalized buying one because after all our plan is to have four babies that will need their bum-bum changed.

So, I purchased a dresser than has the optional changing table topper attachment, which I ended up hating because it does not fit a standard changing pad and it wastes valuable floor space behind the changer. So in the nursery I am back to using what could pretty much qualify as a standard dresser with a few handy dandy features like hidden drawers and open shelving and changing pad that will be screwed on.

However, we will also need somewhere to change the baby on the first floor as well--where we do a good amount of living. So now, I am about to purchase my second changing table.

I know it's likely that we may end up using the floor, couch, kitchen counter or whatever to change Charm City Baby, but for $69, I think this portable/foldable changer from IKEA would get a fair share of use.

I first spotted the IKEA Spoling Changing Table when I was picking up the nursery furniture, but I remained discipline and stuck to my list. I must have stood in front of it for a good 10 minutes--but I was strong. Now, I have been thinking about getting the thing ever since.

As soon as I get a chance to get to IKEA, I am returning that useless topper from the other changer, and scooping this one up.

Monday, July 6

Diaper Bag Selections

The very first item I bought when I found out I was pregnant (besides a few books) wasn't a onesie, or a bib, or even a taco (to satisfy my mexican food cravings), it was a diaper bag.

As a self-proclaimed purse lover, it was one of the first things I thought about. And unlike maternity clothes (not knowing my size, or how/where my body would change), or baby gear (not knowing what's best), it was one of the few things during my pregnancy that I felt confident I knew enough about to purchase at anytime.

In January, I happened upon a Kate Spade outlet store which is surprising because I've never really been into her bags. You could even say I gave it the college try when I bought a SOHO knock-off on a college trip to NYC in 1999 when they were enjoying uber popularity. I may have used that purse for 2 weeks--tops.

Imagine my surprise when I see a bag that I love and (to me) looks nothing like a diaper bag. In fact, it looks like one of Kate's signature tote bags.

It's gender neutral--great b/c at that point I didn't know what we were having. It didn't have those elastic bottle pockets that poke out and make the bag look bulky. It had nice leather details, and seemed to be made of stain resistant fabric. It came with a changing pad and included several organization compartments inside. Perfect for me. The best part was they were having a sale and I got it for less than $100.

Knowing how I am and how I like to change things up a bit. I remained open and on the prowl for other chic bags at great prices. Enter Tim and Leslie. In early June, this site had $300-$400 bags for a little more than $100 with free shipping. And so I scooped up my little friend Jane here for $139-delivered.

What can I say about Jane? She is amazing and came with everything: a changing pad, wipes/diaper zipper bag, bottle holder zipper case, a matching mommy wristlet/clutch, pacifier holder, extra strap, pill/paci case, 5 pocket compartments inside, hooks galore, and a whole lotta style.

I only wish she also came in white patent leather too for Spring 2010--but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'm expecting to get a lot of use out of both of these bags, but undoubtedly one will be favored over the other. Right now my money is on Jane.

Once I get into the thick of motherhood and my routine, I'll be sure to post some reviews of how all of this stuff is working for me.

The Giggle Recap

Since I mentioned that I was making a trip to Giggle, it's only fair to report back the results.

First of all, traffic was S-T-U-P-I-D getting there, but that's to be expected when you travel the Capital Beltway or most places in Montgomery County, Maryland.

As for the was great! The DC metro area store opened June 13th--and had only been open for about 2 weeks at the time of my visit. I mention this because the store wasn't crowded at all. There was only maybe 2 or 3 other folks shopping while we were there and plenty of personal help and personal shopping to go around.

Charm City Grandma (Mom is always a trooper! I love that about her) and I set out at 10:30 a.m. to get there by 11:15 a.m. ish to shop and then enjoy a nice lunch in Chevy Chase aka the "DC metro area."

Within seconds we spotted the bassinet. Yes! I picked out the stone, off-white color bedding to coordinate with our master bedroom or living room-we'll see where it eventually lands.

It's surprisingly lightweight, by the way.

We also picked up the stroller. I went with a gender-neutral orange and love it! And it got the highest level of approval from Charm City Daddy..."Phat!"

Here it is with the bassinet seat...

If they had yellow I would have done that as well--but I can always pick up the yellow fleece liner set in the winter and change it up--which is the beauty of buying this particular model. Oh and it fits our infant car seat as well.

My associate, Jackie, was fantastic breaking out a sweat to run back and forth to the stock room to check on items for me. They also assembled the stroller while we took a lunch break. Then they showed me how to use it and carted my purchases to my car (in the shopping center garage) and loaded it up! Mom and I didn't lift a finger.

I was really pleased with Giggle and highly recommend it--even if you can only experience it online. I called them once and even the phone associates were nice and helpful.

You don't often get that level of service at most places around here including Babies R Us or Baby Depot. In fact, when we went to get the crib mattress (among other things) weeks ago, a sales guy ran us down and begged my mom and I not to take the shopping cart into the parking lot. So I had to leave mom and cart curbside, bring the car around, only to have the guy watch us (me, the prego, and Charm City Grandma) try to get this crib mattress in the car and offer no help. Boo!

So--if this post ain't a free Giggle endorsement, I don't know what is.

Sunday, July 5

Nursery Update:Backorders and Bad Design

A few developments to report as the nursery nears completion...

First--the changing table topper was a BUST! I knew I wouldn't like the way it makes the base dresser sit out from the wall, but I was not prepared for the fact that it wasn't going to be compatible with the standard changing pad. IKEA this is not like you. You are better than this. What happened here?

I was willing to take the extras space on top for wipes/supplies, but the topper can't even hold the pad. See it sitting up on the side instead of inside? Boo!

Second--the dresser knobs I ordered finally arrived! The first company I used was terrible and failed to let me know the knobs were on backorder. Terrible service. Full refund. I ended up finding an even better knob with a second company--but they only had 10 in stock (but they called and told me up front) so I got the first 10 and I'm waiting for the remaining six on backorder in a couple weeks.

So far, so good...what do you think?

Originally I had chosen a standard yellow knob but I'm glad I ended up with the butterflies. They are fun! I thought the room could use a few more feminine touches. I also ordered a standard yellow knob, in case the nursery will need to take on a masculine look for baby #2. That's right--we're running all (4) of the future 'CharmCity' babies through this room--that's the plan anyway.

Finally, when decorating nurseries or bedrooms most folks start with the bedding. I always knew I wanted a nice plain white set, but for us, it's one of the last things to arrive in the nursery. It arrives Monday! I'll do another update or perhaps it's time for a finale when I get it all set.

Next Up: My Diaper Bags!

Thursday, June 25

Gigglin' This Weekend!

I just found out that one of my baby registry stores, Giggle, just opened a Washington, DC Metro area location! For those of us in the "DC Metro area" hip to this marketing lingo--that usually means suburban Maryland--and is most certainly true in this case as well.

For those of you in the "DC Metro Area" the new Giggle Maryland store is located at The Shops at Wisconsin Place: 5330 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815--Good old Montgomery County. Capital Beltway here I come.

In addition to Babies R Us, I chose Giggle for their bold, modern selection of baby gear. You would be hard pressed to find any pastels or ruffles there.

I hear the NYC Soho and UES stores are crazy on weekends--and since I prefer online shopping to avoid crowds, I'm hoping this new store won't be all the way crazy, just yet. Yeah right.

Depending on what they have in-store in stock, I plan to possibly purchase our stroller...

and bassinet...

A friend who purchased her stroller at the NYC store told me that they will assemble everything in-store for you and of course show you how to use it. Music to Charm City Daddy's ears.

Moreover, if you want or need the help, they also have personal shoppers (in-store or long-distance) ready to help you with anything you need.

So as Jerry Maguire once said, "Who's coming with me?"

Monday, June 22

Nursery Glances...

Although I'm still awaiting the arrival of a few more things this week (crib bedding, dresser and changer knob pulls, etc) and I still have some unboxing, organizing, picture, hanging, washing, and setting up to do--the nursery is "done enough" for a few glances...

I love the glider and here it sits in its own corner. You may also recognize the toy cube beneath the lamp. Also, I might add that "Daddy" has lots of shout-outs in this nursery. Not one item about loving mommy--such is my lot in life.

These book shelves from Ikea are a lot of fun and I'm contemplating adding a third--but Charm City Daddy's opinion is less is more. What do you think?

Since I purchased two of those toy cubes--I purposed the other as additional seating with the help of the sheepskin. I like I how the sheepskin softens the room a bit.

And finally my Maryland terrapin scarf sitting pretty above the changing table (without the topper attached). I have always loved this scarf and am so glad it worked in this room. I get a great view of it from the glider too.

That's it for the nursery for now. More to come when I get more unpacked and set up.

And now for some gear. While watching TV yesterday Charm City Daddy only had the patience/attention span for two items, so we picked the swing which now sits nicely in the living room...

And Charm City Daddy's new wheels--the Bob Ironman Jogger.

He joked that he would take the empty jogger on a test run in the morning, yelling out to the neighbors as he passed by "Just testing it out!" He cracks me up.
The jogger will sit in his office on the first floor for a while b/c the thought our newborn flying down the street in it (even with the infant seat attachment) actually terrifies me.
That's where we are so far. The house is slowly being taken over by a 4lb fetus.
Tomorrow is a golf outing with my work colleagues--unfortunately since I've only done the driving range once during the pregnancy and it's going to be hot, I will be driving the golf cart. I also have a doctor's appointment complete with ultrasound in the afternoon, so no need in risking being low on fluids again b/c of sun exposure.
Stay tuned for an appointment update.

Monday, June 8

Perfect Timing

Browsing around the web, I discovered two iPod touch/iPhone applications that time your contractions and then logs them for you so you can see if your contractions are getting closer together. Neat!

One is called Contraction Master ($.99). If you don't have an iPhone or iPod touch you can also use the application right from the website (for free)--provided you have the time (and sanity) to do so mid-labor. There are also applications to help you track nursing and diaper changes.

The other timer is called Labor Mate ($.99).

Check 'em out!

Tuesday, May 5

Divine Intervention...

JUST in time (and hot off the press), some advice on cloth diapers from the Pregtastic podcast.

Disposable or Cloth Diapers?

Can somebody help me, please?

In my frenzy to quickly register for the baby shower which has been moved up to June 13th (because of bachelor parties, weddings, travel, and life) I am having a hard time making what should be fairly simply decisions.

Just when I thought I had a good handle on what we need, I get to the "potty" category of the registry and lose it.

I like the cost-effectiveness and earth-friendliness of cloth diapers, but also like the convenience of disposable diapers--particularly when traveling. I suppose I could use them both, but if I were to choose cloth diapers--which brand is the best?

I like this hybrid starter set from Bambino Mio, but I haven't heard much about it, and I'm not sure who has considering it's "new."

And then you have these gDiapers, which are all cloth, require covers.
Then you have Bumkins Bamboo diapers, cloth require covers. Then you have all-in-one diapers like these and it goes on and on and on.
What in the world am I supposed to pick?! No wonder pregnant moms have emotional breakdowns in the middle of stores. Geez.
I'm taking advice or just your vote if you've got no experience. What should I pick?