Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19

The rest of October

Let's not waste any time with long apologies or explanations----I'm swamped!

Without further ado, here's what we've been up to...

We went fishing at one of our favorite city parks, Robert E. Lee,  which was recently taken over by Baltimore County and got a $6.1 million makeover.  The park looks great.  Olivia has been asking to go back to fish since we left.

Charm City Daddy ran the Baltimore marathon, aka Under Armor Running Festival and we cheered him on at Mile Six with our noisemakers.

He did well with very little preparation. This was his 5th marathon, I think--and the second time he's done the Baltimore event. I remember the first time he did the Baltimore, because we were still dating. We partied and danced the whole night before and he got up the next morning and ran the thing in no time and met me for lunch. That's not normal. He never does extensive training or preparation and does well. It makes you sick. I'll never forget the first time he ran the Baltimore marathon because it was the day I had my weave removed after 2 years of investing time and money every 6 weeks. It was my farewell to my pageant image and transition to natural, professional me . My hair was sooo thin, and he made me feel good about it, because after all it was all mine!

This time around---his cross at the finish was so symbolic for our family is so many ways. He was in tears--and I was in tears when he recounted the story to me in our kitchen--telling me how much pain he was in and all of the things going through his head about our lives, our beautiful children and all that God has given us.  What a difference 6 years makes...

My niece (my oldest brother's baby girl) made Olivia's day when she came over for a playdate on race day, too.

Then before we knew it, it was Halloween!

 And I decided Lucas wasn't just any ordinary skeleton (that I got on sale and figured would be most comfortable for him and usable as pajamas aftward), he's a Karate Kid Cobra Kai! Love my 80's movies.

O was a pirate at home and then a ballerina fairy (Thanks Uncle Kevin!) for school since she was already a pirate at school this year for annual pirate day.
My sister and nieces came to visit. We made s'mores by the fireplace and carved pumpkins in the basement while it snowed outside.

We all crashed the kiddie Halloween Parade in my parent's neighborhood--while they were out of town! My neighborhood has a parade--but we never go. Too stiff. And we gave them a chance with the 30-second Easter egg hunt, but HUGE disappointment. By disappointment I mean, we missed the event entirely because they didn't even hide the eggs! They just sat them down in a small roped off grassy area to keep the children from trampling over (or anywhere near) the precious tulip beds. Give me a break. LIVE a little.

Anyway--just look at this REAL family fun. No exorbitant property taxes required. Imagine that. (clearly it's time for us to move. I'm becoming a tad bitter). 

And that...for the most part...was October!

Friday, April 29


After patiently requesting "hi-fives?" from her little brother for the last 4 weeks (even in the hospital), yesterday Lucas finally obliged big sis Olivia.

It was a great moment. 

Next on her list..."Pick Up?" But that too, my dear, will have to wait.

Sunday, June 27

Back from the Beach

We're back from one of our longest most relaxing vacations since our honeymoon. Before this we always did long weekends here and there--but this time we did a whole 10 days! Best of all---our family (my parents and siblings) shared in the fun!

Bro-in-Law, My preggo Sis, Niece, Moi, Mom, Olivia, Husband, Big Bro, Niece, Lil Bro. Dad? watching TV!

We stayed at a friend's fantastic Delaware beach house in a private community with a private beach. There was plenty of room. It was comfortable and family-friendly (complete with a kids room, beach toys, outdoor shower, etc) and I hope we get invited BACK! After hearing the rave reviews about how clean we left it--I'm thinking we have a good chance.

Anyway, our whole time there my mom and I were whining dreaming about how much we needed wanted our own beach house--basically because we want a place to decorate relax. Hehe. NOT joking. My mom and I went to HomeGoods today and literally picked out things for our imaginary beach home. It hurt so badly to leave them behind. 

I could go on and on about the funny family stories at the beach, but I'm afraid you wouldn't find them funny at all. SO here is Miss Olivia--aka the sand eater! She must have consumed at least a half gallon of salt water and sand! She was terrified of the waves but loved digging with her shovel and bucket of water (which she kept trying to dunk her own head in).

Just when my OCD couldn't take any more sand, we returned home and resumed the fun at Grandma's house in the good, clean, tap water-filled kiddie pool.
Notice my niece propping up Olivia's face to keep her from planting her face in the water.

Remember my Windy City niece in the pic above from my visit to Chicago last spring? I am always amazed at how big she gets every time I see her. Also notice Olivia's bikini!? Daddy is anti-bikini (as he should be) but I assured him it's now and never again until she's 18.

Stay tuned...more posts coming on the toddler/tween room AND baby development!