Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Monday, July 11

The Tattler's Tales

One of the perks of having an almost 2-year old that speaks in complete sentences is the full report you get about her day--or a recount of a major event. For example Olivia loves telling us about Grandad's surprise birthday party taking us through each step--from hiding, being quiet, to the noise makers to yelling "Happy Birthday Grandad." Fun and cute.

Another perk of our talkative toddler is getting a repeat report on what the nanny says...

"Oh sugar!'

"What did I say?" (in a scornful tone)

And finally tonight's report came at bathtime when Olivia was playing with a bar of soap holding it horizontally and wiggling her thumbs on top. I asked her what she was doing....she responded dryly...

"Playing a game on my phone."

Ha Ha. Oh reeeee-ally?? Tell me more. Tell me more.

Wednesday, January 26

You Know You're Parents When...

 You Know You are Parents When...

1. You quote and sing cartoon phrases or Disney movies several times a day.
2. You suggest Disney movies to non-parents as "really worth watching!"
3. You look forward to watching animated movies as much as your children do.
4. You both get swept away and cry at animated movies like "Up" ("really worth watching!!!") and find yourself watching it long after your daughter has departed the room and found another activity to do.
5. You find yourself looking for more animated movies to love instead of real, grown-up ones.

Wednesday, December 8

Character Building

There is no doubt in my mind that the following picture will be used to humiliate and humble Olivia in the future---most likely at her wedding slide show as was the case for me. 

Olivia is just getting a good hair brushing by Charm City Grandma here, but my historic humility photo was my mama hot combing my hair at age 8--probably with this same expression on her face.

Also observe the face. When and where do children learn to use this sad face?
Cracks me up every time and I just mimic her and make it back. With the hat and all, my younger brother says O looks like Fat Albert's Mushmouth character in that photo.
Hilarious and I tend to agree. "Hey, hey, hey!"

Wednesday, August 18

Yet Another Nanny Creation...

It's been awhile since we've had one of these worthy of a pic and post.

This one put a smile on my face and I had to share.

Blue sundress, pink striped legwarmers, and pink sandals! I would totally look into the closet and pair these items together.

Monday, August 16

Fun Weekend!

O wore me out and wore herself out this weekend. I was dog tired after chasing her little tail around a friend's lovely purse and jewelry party. The only two things that stopped Olivia in her tracks were:

1. Doggie Kisses (IN her mouth). It turns out my friend's two yorkies loves the kids and my kid certainly loved them.

2. Delivering baby kisses to her Washingtonian pal, her beltway bestie...Madelyn!

But she literally went overboard!

Maddy cried (as well she should have) and we ended up having to peel Olivia off.
The Olivia did offer her traumatized friend her pacifier. What's funny about this pic is that it revealed that Olivia offered her paci in a sly, down low kinda way like, "Shh! Don't cry girl, you're gonna get me in trouble! Just take the pacifier!"

For the rest of the party, Maddy put her two arms out in front of her to protect herself every time Olivia came near. Smart girl.

I spent the whole party chasing O and trying to keep her from tearing down displays and generally tearing the place up. I don't think I had a full, uninterrupted conversation with anyone with full eye contact the entire time. PLEASE let this be a phase and please let Charm City Daddy be home to take care of her next time. Never again.

Tuesday, December 22

Pillow Talk

Hey, remember how I mentioned this pregnancy pillow of mine that is still lingering around? No, I am not pregnant as someone has already asked me.

Actually I am SICK of that pillow. I was ready to toss the pillow the second I was in labor and made our bed one last time before heading to the hospital. There is no way to make the bed look good with that pillow in the mix. I have added extras to cover it up, but it is just awkward.

Charm City Daddy, on the other hand, has slowly developed a relationship with the pillow.  During my pregnancy, I would often find him curled up with it after I left the bed. If he got to bed first, I could forget about sleeping with it.

At first he was embarrassed and after some time, he threw all caution to the wind and now it is no longer my pillow. It is his pillow. It remains on his side of the bed. He uses it to prop up his bad knee when he sleeps. He jokingly whispers to it telling it he'll "never let it go." He has all but named it. 

And you better believe he will DENY every part of this post if every confronted with this information (as he doesn't follow this blog).

Tuesday, October 27

Funny Story

So my  maternal grandma and one of my elder cousins from my dad's side came into town this weekend for Olivia's Baby Clambake. Just to paint the proper picture, Grandma is 85 and Barbara Ann is probably in her early 70's. They are both the sweetest two people you will ever meet, in fact Grandma made all of the deserts for the party including a moist strawberry cake , lemon meringue pies and chocolate pies!

During the party, they saw some of the baby gear we had around the house including the three strollers we've purchased to date (jogger, bugaboo, and the most recent umbrella). Like most older people, they laughed at us for all of the stuff us youngin's need these days that older folks never had. Of course I explained my rationale behind each of these purchases, but had to laugh along with them.

During our usual Sunday dinner visit at my parents house, as we're packing up the car to leave, Charm City Daddy complains to the ladies about how small the X3 is and how we need to get something bigger already. Well of course grandma, mom and Barbara Ann laughed at us again. We smiled, finished packing up the car and went on our merry way back home. As we are driving down the road (at least 5 minutes away) just chatting away we suddenly get a call from my mom who is laughing so hard she can't even speak. She said we left the dog (Buckley, our Black Lab) behind. Ooops!

It gets better. Did CCD even slow the car down and begin to turn around? No! Instead he chuckled a little, and asked "Do you want us to come back and get him?" HAAAAAAAAA! How terrible is that? Now I'm laughing my tail off. Laughing harder my mom said, "No, I'll just bring him to your place when I come on Wednesday!" And we drove on down the road back to Baltimore with the baby and no dog.

Yes, we are your typical new parents. The kind that people feel sorry for in airports and grandparents and great grandparents are amused by.

Glad we could give you folks a chuckle.

Stay tuned for the long-awaited photos from New Orleans and Saturday's clambake.