Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28

Santa Pic 2011

Now featuring a much happier Santa AND toddler, Olivia, and the nervous infant,  Lucas, in his first-ever Santa picture....

I think the only thing that gave Lucas comfort was that his sister was arm's length away. See him nudging her? He's like "hey sis, should I be worried?" Olivia's first reaction when she saw the picture was "Lucas was nervous."

Saturday, May 28

We're Still Here!

Baby Lucas is growing like a weed (8 weeks old).

Olivia's vocabulary and development (21 months) is off the charts (the new thing is to tell us "I scurd.") Just last week she went on her first interview or "observation"-for nursery school (Age 2-6).

And Somehow Charm City Daddy and I are functioning on just a few hours of sleep a night--not because of Lucas, but because Olivia keeps getting out of bed to crash the party she thinks she's missing in our room. No such party--Real Housewives viewing, maybe, but no party.

Here are some other pics I've been meaning to post...

We're enjoying the warm weather and Grandma and Grandad's sprinkler system today! 

Monday, December 27

The Money Shot

Ahh...this brings me joy as a parent. Olivia's first Santa encounter...

We arrived during the morning hours, but Santa appears to know it's gonna be a long day. We were his second crier in a row. LOL.

Even funnier...she said "Cheeese" to the cameras through the tears and even told Santa "Chay Choo" for the free coloring book he handed her as she departed.

I ended up sitting next to Santa to calm her down a bit--but her expression of fear remained the same.

Ahh gotta love it. We have done our job as parents.

Wednesday, December 8

The Christmas Photo: Outakes

Getting a good Christmas card photo this year was even more difficult than last year.

Perhaps we should have hired a professional photographer rather than Charm City Grandma who cannot operate my SLR, and squeezing it all in 5 minutes before dashing to a Christmas Party and a Ravens game.

At any rate---I just HAVE to share an outake that cracked me up when I saw it.

"Mommy, does this mean I'm on the naughty list?"

Pictured above: A tired, fed up papa, a threatening mama (mid-threat), and a child in headlights being scolded for not sitting perfectly still and smiling on cue. Good times.

Maybe we'll try again with another photo shoot later....maybe not. Maybe I'll just use this one. Either way, you have to stop and laugh sometimes.

Tuesday, November 2

Halloween Weekend

It was weekend chocked full of excitement to exhaust entertain our little energetic toddler!

We kicked off Halloween weekend early on Friday by letting Olivia wear part of her BumbleBee costume out and about--since it's essentially a fleece jacket.  Since the nanny often takes here to the library or local bookstore for story hours (explaining Olivia's favorite thing to do BOOKS! BOOKS!MOMMY!), Charm City Daddy and I were sent this picture message in the middle of our workday.

I was just impressed she stood still--as was the nanny.

Then on Saturday morning we took Olivia to her first live show, Disney on Ice--Toy Story 3. While I went to Disney on Ice-The Little Mermaid as a kid, Charm City Daddy had never seen one of these particular children's ice shows before and was impressed with the performers' "athleticism."  Remembering in my previous experience (age 9 ?) that I always wanted a lighted wand during the show but had to settle for the souvenir cup,  I insisted that Olivia get a wand. Mistake! She commenced to beating us and those around us in the head with it until we finally had  to distract her to confiscate it. When we left at intermission she was returned her beloved magical wand.
Turn your head: pic won't save rotated...weird.

Saturday afternoon we drove to Charm City Grandma and Grandad's house to participate in their neighborhood's annual parade. We rounded out the rear of parade so Olivia could chase the dogs also participating. :) Here we are looking tired already. Post parade we all took a nap.

Olivia's cousin was also a bee for Halloween so she gladly strong-armed Olivia for a photo op.

After the parade, my dad got the Big Loser (least amount of votes) award in his neighborhood Chili Cookoff for his chicken chili. Haha! I think he knew it wasn't his best batch as he kept trying to force Fritos on those of us who ate it. It's tradition to sign your name to a recipe book that is passed around to each year's losers and leave a comment. His comical response was "Free loaders! See what you get next year!"

Sunday, was church (one day we'll get to enjoy the sermon in peace again), then serious grocery shopping, then while Charm City Daddy entertained his friends, I attended the Miss Maryland USA pageant with a friend--no glam this time--just mom jeans and my boots. Yes mom, I was the only former Miss Maryland not in cocktail attire-- but I was also the only preggo one.

Here's to a low-key, relaxing week and weekend ahead.

Sunday, October 3

Pumpkin Pickin'

We had a gorgeous weekend after hurricane force wind and rain last week.  Olivia and I met up with a friend at a nearby farm for pumpkin pickin', hay mazes, corn husk tee pees, hay rides, and farm animals!

Turns out those pumpkin vines are tricky and trip up little walking toddlers quite often. When Olivia finally found one she could pick up (dramatically grunting of course--where does she get this?), I asked her,  "what is that? what you got there?" Her response...."Nana!" Of course. EVERYTHING consumable is a banana and there is no convincing her otherwise.

Trouble deciding which "nana" to keep.

Wednesday, July 14

Video Monitor Stalking

Do you stalk your baby on the video baby monitor like me?

Please tell me I am not the only mama in the world that watches her baby with delight and then grabs her iphone to capture the cute or funny moments like...

..."butt in air"

or "groggy, confusion over pacifier location"....

 the "upside down toss and turn"

the "hand-to-forehead dramatic pose"

 and the plain old, mamarazzi, stalkeresque captured cuteness.

It's been interesting to see how much Olivia moves around as she grows and takes up more and more of her bed.

One more confession: I also record mini videos...of the video monitor. Don't you judge me!

Thursday, May 13

She Loves the Camera...Strap

While O was sick, I gave her a break and didn't pull out the camera much in the last couple of weeks, but when I did this morning I was reminded how much my little girl loves to give me so many different poses and facial expressions as she lunges for the camera...strap.

I thought I could distract her with my belts and scarves...nope. Here she comes!

New trick: She claps while saying "yaaaaaay!"

Tuesday, April 6

I love the end of my day...

...especially when I get a text message on the way home with this pic...

...a baby that passed out during her afternoon stroll through the neighborhood. I also get to witness this...
the daily stiff arm of the "daddy's home" kisses.
 The beating of daddy's lips has become a family ritual. Ahh, it's the little things you have to appreciate. 

Easter Weekend

Lots of firsts this weekend. First Afro puffs.First pair of sunglasses (for Olivia's daily neighborhood stroll). First Air Jordans (I couldn't resist). First pig tails. And of course First Easter!
hair barrettes from the Easter Bunny (grandma). 

Wednesday, January 6

I Call This Look... homage to the exquisite Kimora Lee Simmons

Headband+ Kimono style top + NO bottoms! + Pastry Sneakers = Yet Another Nanny Creation.

This was what I came home to on Monday....and it gave me PURE. JOY.

Saturday, January 2

Beauty Hurts...

(blog issues...if you've partially received this post..I apologize for the error (ahem--THANK blogger!!--back to business)


Olivia's ears are pierced! Aaaahhh! I am so glad it is over. I have worried and stressed about this day from the moment I asked O's doctor when we could get her ears pierced. She recommended to wait until 4 months--after two rounds of shots, but young enough that O wouldn't yank at them.

Charm City Daddy and I were so excited..then I almost cried just before it happened. We picked out the earrings first, "genuine diamonds" according to the case (lol) and the biggest her little ears could take. She was strapped her to daddy in the Bjorn carrier (b/c mommy's heart can't take shots or anything that hurts baby). I was armed with a blackberry for pics/video and a lollipop just in case a pacifier didn't do the trick and THANK GOD because there was a slight snafu with the piercing gun (it jammed and didn't clip the back of the earring on) and this caused the woman to prolong the piercing of O's right ear, which caused poor Olivia's wail to hit new heights. As soon as the gun jammed I looked at CCD and we both had this huge look of guilt---and felt like awful parents. It was all we could do not to scream at the lady but both of us remained silent as she got it together very quickly. It was so hard to watch---but I videotaped in case we would have to take this BIOTCH to court. Don't mess with my baby! It all ended well and they look perfect--thank goodness.

It is amazing how different she looks with these little gems poking out of her ear.

Sunday, December 27

Wednesday, December 2

Just Enjoying My Baby

Hi Friends! I haven't been posting much because I've just been enjoying some days off of work, relaxation and baby kissin'.

I could just eat her up!

She does have a little personality on her. :)

The latest and greatest: Olivia is mesmerized with the Christmas tree and all of its splendid lights. Just tonight she was chanting to it and seemingly telling it jokes and then laughing at her own jokes.

I'm working on getting a video of it. You must see it.

Sunday, November 15

Patent Pending...

O and Lisa, originally uploaded by Charm City Mama.
This weekend O and I hosted my friend Lisa and her parents for a mini visit. I promise O was much more enthusiastic than this photo portrays. :)

Lisa works at the U.S. Patent Office and gifted O this cute little "Patent Pending" shirt (O playing air guitar in her new shirt)...

More holiday gift picks are coming!

Tuesday, October 27

New Orleans

Finally, a few pics from our trip to New Orleans...

Yes, that's Olivia was a bit chilly thanks to the Mississippi.

So glad I brought the BundleMe stroller/car seat "sleeping bag" for Olivia . It was 90 degrees and humid the day before we arrived but in the low 60's and windy while we were there.

How about a closer look at that adorable baby?

I enjoyed some delicious gumbo from here...

We also enjoyed warm delicious beignets (fried dough!)

From here...

All I can say is there was powdered sugar EVERYWHERE!
...and I was wearing all black. Bad move.

One of the downfalls of the historic French Quarter was that restroom renovations was often an afterthought in most restaurants. Therefore ZERO changing tables or countertops, or bathrooms you would even want to bring your child to. So, Olivia had her diaper changed in the open air here..

Jackson Square was beautiful.

We had pralines, shrimp po' boys and jumbalaya, and as much local food as possible. We also enjoyed some delicious Chargrilled Oysters (wow!) from The Royal Oyster House in the French Quarter across the street from our hotel, actually. Unfortunately we devoured them (2 orders) before I realized that I didn't get to take a picture.

On the ride back to the airport, the driver pointed out places that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. You could still see the stained water level on the walls of some of the buildings, and some areas that still need repair. It was eye opening and something I will never forget.

Finally, the reason we came to New Orleans in the first place. This lovely couple's nuptials..

What a party! The reception included the traditional Second Line parade with the entire wedding party and guests trailing the Bride, Groom and band in a parade. I loved it.