Showing posts with label second pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label second pregnancy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30

We're Going In...

We're going in and the little one is coming O-U-T.

After my Monday appointment with my OB revealed I am "favorable" for an induction, I've decided that we're going to evict little Lucas on Wednesday, March 30--his due date. Hallelujah.

Without getting too personal I feel like I am SO close to going naturally--water breaking on its own  and all--just like the first time with Olivia. I am sore, stiff, and very uncomfortable and looking forward to the way all of these aches magically disappear with the delivery of a child. Bring it on. My quick recovery last time really amazed me. I was literally in the gym and feeling normal within 2 weeks--baby steps of course.

Today, I stayed home from work to grocery shop, vacuum, bleach, sterilize, mop, dust, and wipe my three-story home down within an inch of its life. I don't know where I got the burst of energy but I feel much better knowing it is taken care of. Charm City Daddy is of course angry at me and wanted me to relax, but how could I with all of those tasks on my mind? Plus if he really cared--he would have had it done or done it himself, OR allow my mom to do it while I'm in the hospital, but will he? Nope.

Olivia has been a delightful riot the past couple of days reminding us how much she has grown. A new baby is really going to change the dynamic of our home and family. I can't wait!

Overdramatizing the camera flash, as usual.
We're getting lots of mileage out of the "big sister" book at bedtime.

Stay tuned for the birth announcement and birth story (which I will not be blogging from the hospital). Wish us well.

Sunday, March 27

False Start...

False start. On the fetus. Repeat first down.

I have been timing contractions here and there as they come--waiting for the magic "5 minutes apart, 1 minute duration, 1 hour long" goal. Although I wasn't keeping perfect time, I thought last night was building up to something---until we got to the 45 minute mark.

Here's the contraction log from my iPhone's Labor Mate app.

Mar 26, 2011 10:34 PM    Duration: 01:08 Frequency: ---

Mar 26, 2011 10:45 PM    Duration: 00:44 Frequency: 11:13 * missed one in there.

Mar 26, 2011 10:49 PM    Duration: 00:42 Frequency: 03:19

Mar 26, 2011 10:54 PM    Duration: 01:00 Frequency: 05:06

Mar 26, 2011 11:03 PM    Duration: 01:06 Frequency: 09:45

Mar 26, 2011 11:12 PM    Duration: 01:17 Frequency: 08:26

Mar 26, 2011 11:26 PM    Duration: 00:38 Frequency: 14:36

This little run completely exhausted me and I fell asleep after and was not awakened by any more pain.

Stilllllllllll waiting on you Little Lucas. Now my fear is that he will be so big that he'll quickly outgrow all of the cute newborn clothes we have for him. It's silly, I know. Plus I just force him into the clothes anyway and he'll be a little baby "Hulk." hehe.

Monday, March 21

Get O-U-T.

I'm exhausted, in constant back and pelvic pain, and ready to have this B-A-B-Y. It's all I can do to try to make it to my 39 week, 1 day appointment on Wednesday. That is the earliest she promised to get things going, if you know what I mean. Although--honestly--I hope it doesn't come to that. It frightens me.

When I was pregnant with Olivia--I actually went into labor on that day--and thus missed my afternoon appointment. I would settle for Wednesday, but soon would be SO much better.

While I appreciate the compliments of how I'm carrying a perfect little basketball (although I'm only 5 lbs behind my all-over weight gain with O), my back hurts and I can't walk properly or even more than a snail's pace.

It's sad really. I had the day off and Charm City Daddy tried to entice me to the mall today (probably to secretly get me to walk the baby out) to buy me an iPad2 and I reluctantly agreed (love my gadgets) thinking all the while about all of the walking involved. That damn thing was sold out--of course it was--DUH! If I weren't in so much pain I would have realized this and come to my senses before agreeing to do all of that walking which required two rest stops on benches and a random makeup counter stool.

Time to bring out the old hip hop song...."Come baby. Come baby. Baby come, come!"

Tuesday, March 1

36 weeks

We had an OB appointment today and we learned a lot.

1. Baby Lucas is still due March 30--but could come early on his own.
2. Baby Lucas is still a boy (No April Fool's jokes or surprises on that one).
3. Baby Lucas is head down and to quote the doctor today "Whooah his head is right there! Very low! You must feel like you're carrying a bowling ball, huh?" Umm YES!
4. At 35 weeks, 6 days Baby Lucas is 5 pounds 13 oz and will be between 7 and 8 lbs by the time he arrives.
5. Baby Lucas is likely to come early but the doctor will not induce me a day earlier than 39 weeks--no matter what---and I'm okay with that.

Although, my back hurts and I feel beat up from the inside out from all of the movement AND I would love to see the little man--who seems to look just like Olivia from the 3D pics (btw)--after reading this article about babies born before 39 weeks from the Wall Street Journal today--I am in no hurry to speed up my comfort at the expense of his health. No thanks, I'll gladly suffer.

It's a mental game from here on out. I gotta be strong.

Friday, October 22

Currently Craving

Gummy woooooooooooorms!

I find they can be quite uplifting in the middle or at end of the day.

Thursday, October 14

How the Second Pregnancy is Different than the First

This topic is at the forefront of every new mom's mind and by far, the most asked question of second-time moms. I even googled the topic myself, when I found out I was expecting number two.

Obviously the answer is different for every woman considering her age, previous pregnancy, occupation, age of first child, genetics, health & diet, fitness, worldview, fate, luck, GOD! You get my point.

Here's my experience in the order of what's most notably different this time around:
  1. GROUCHIER. I've been called "cranky" and snappy--and that's just at the office. My husband has also fallen victim. Last time I was accused of smiling all the time. I must work on this.
  2. Mind-blowing migraines. Holy cow, a few sent me to bed early in the first trimester.
  3. Chronic Fatigue. Not just first trimester fatigue this time--its week 16 and I'm still tired. I love sleep. I get evil about at bedtime too.
  4. Ferocious, bottomless pit first trimester appetite, but back to normal second trimester.
  5. At 16 weeks, zero weight gain to date. Before, I was up 5 lbs at least by now and I started off a tad slimmer this time.
  6. Tummy popped out faster--at 14 weeks--BAM there it was--and yes my navel is once again an "outtie."
  7. Less diligent about the tummy butter and belly lubrication--a tad risky considering #5. Last time I exfoliated every other day and lathered on the oils and butters twice a day. This time, I skip a day or sometimes just use regular lotion.
  8. Less diligent with prenatal vitamins. I've skipped at least a day or two every now and then.
  9. Less concerned with preparing nursery and baby gear--but that could change when we find out gender. Also I have not picked up a single pregnancy book. I'm most interested in balancing two kids under age two, so I've read some parenting articles. Most offer common sense.
  10. Cravings: still love pickles, vinegar, fresh cucumbers, etc--not addicted to smoked turkey sausage and mustard in a roll every morning for breakfast like the first pregnancy although I did eat spaghetti one recent morning.
  11. Last but not least, I now and offered and take SIPS of Charm City Daddy's  wine with less guilt thanks to this recent study---which published just in time for a nice sip of Cabernet to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary last week. Too bad I'll be knocked up for my 30th birthday in February too!
Most noticeably different is how poorly I am keeping track of my weeks and how quickly time is flying. My older sister is pregnant with number two as well (as you may remember from our beach pic). She is due in 3-4 weeks and she said things are flying by for her too! 

In fact my doctor chuckled on Tuesday when I asked her how far along am I, again?