Showing posts with label teamwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teamwork. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10

Dinner Party Success!

Our inaugural dinner party was great!

The only thing I forgot to do was take a pic of our lovely table setting to share with you (and mom).

I dashed in from work 20 minutes before "showtime" and CCD had already picked up the floral arrangements, the house was clean and smelled like food (the caterer had arrived), so all I had to do was freshen up! Perfect! All my table staring, list making, and mental "play-by-plays" definitely paid off.

CCD was a great help getting ready AND cleaning up (whew!) despite the fact that he injured his big toe playing basketball Saturday and has been limping around on major prescription pain meds. Poor baby.

I see many more "dinner and dialogue" parties in our future--with crying babies in the background, no less.

Bring it!