Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Sunday, June 27

Back from the Beach

We're back from one of our longest most relaxing vacations since our honeymoon. Before this we always did long weekends here and there--but this time we did a whole 10 days! Best of all---our family (my parents and siblings) shared in the fun!

Bro-in-Law, My preggo Sis, Niece, Moi, Mom, Olivia, Husband, Big Bro, Niece, Lil Bro. Dad? watching TV!

We stayed at a friend's fantastic Delaware beach house in a private community with a private beach. There was plenty of room. It was comfortable and family-friendly (complete with a kids room, beach toys, outdoor shower, etc) and I hope we get invited BACK! After hearing the rave reviews about how clean we left it--I'm thinking we have a good chance.

Anyway, our whole time there my mom and I were whining dreaming about how much we needed wanted our own beach house--basically because we want a place to decorate relax. Hehe. NOT joking. My mom and I went to HomeGoods today and literally picked out things for our imaginary beach home. It hurt so badly to leave them behind. 

I could go on and on about the funny family stories at the beach, but I'm afraid you wouldn't find them funny at all. SO here is Miss Olivia--aka the sand eater! She must have consumed at least a half gallon of salt water and sand! She was terrified of the waves but loved digging with her shovel and bucket of water (which she kept trying to dunk her own head in).

Just when my OCD couldn't take any more sand, we returned home and resumed the fun at Grandma's house in the good, clean, tap water-filled kiddie pool.
Notice my niece propping up Olivia's face to keep her from planting her face in the water.

Remember my Windy City niece in the pic above from my visit to Chicago last spring? I am always amazed at how big she gets every time I see her. Also notice Olivia's bikini!? Daddy is anti-bikini (as he should be) but I assured him it's now and never again until she's 18.

Stay tuned...more posts coming on the toddler/tween room AND baby development!

Wednesday, March 31

Did You Miss Me?

What a week! Work has been insanely busy this week, but I can't complain because I had the chance to gear up for it at the end of last week.

This time last week was I was packing up to head to Scottsdale, Arizona for an extended spa weekend with 8 very lovely ladies, only 3 of which I had met before the trip. All but two of us were married and four of us had children. All of us were working professionals, so we had a great deal in common and appreciated the opportunity to enjoy some wine and down time.

I wish I could rewind and go back! It was an incredible, much-needed, relaxing girls-only weekend.  We hiked.  We were pampered at the spa. We worked out. We talked. We shopped. We ate. We drank. We even staked out the fire pit for 8 hours!! Here are some pics courtesy of our lead trip organizer, the fabulous KJD.
Ever seen a dead, dying centuries old cactus? I found it interesting.
By the fire..where we enjoyed cocktails, laughs, stories, and great food.

Charm City Daddy stayed behind and watched little Lady Gaga Goo Goo and was VERY happy to see me when I returned home. He got a nice little taste of the midget bully's hazing. Ha! Love my little girl.  We have a nice little arrangement when daddy watches her that always results in him appreciating me more. Love that.

After my scariest, most turbulent airplane landing to date (for which even the flight attendant let out a big sigh on the intercom), I thanked God for bringing us home safely. When I arrived home just in time for Olivia's bedtime, I kissed her a million times over and held her a little longer before putting her into the crib.

I am so thankful that I could take that trip (that my husband even encouraged it), but now I feel rejuvenated and ready to jump back into reality and take care of my family.

Saturday, December 19

I Knew It!

Well cabin fever set in on Charm City Daddy after about 8 hours!

I should have known it was going to be a short haul when he offered to go out in the middle of the night to get me some Robutussin for my sore throat at 12 midnight. By then there was about 3 inches of snow out.

We slept in until about 11 a.m., had a big breakfast, and as soon as we sat down to watch TV, CCD looked at me and said "Want to head over to your parents' house now?!"  I was all, "huh?!" And he was like, "C'mon it'll be an adventure!" And I retorted, "An adventure with a baby?"

Needless to say, I gave in as I always do and started packing us up to make the 25 mile trip.  Here's our  hour-long trip in pictures...

Did I mention the Governor of our state declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY?!

The baby was her usual sleeping-angel self in the car. Like her wizard hat? hehe

Provisions in my new ThirtyOne utility bag. I like it!

I insisted that we bring a snow shovel in case we got stuck in the 10-12 inches that had already accumulated. Mr. Invincible New England Boy - aka Charm City Daddy protested, but I won using the baby argument. I'm glad I did! The plows had hardly been out, and we saw two abandon cars and stopped and helped a stuck emergency worker who was on his way to the airport. Even the road leading into the airport was terrible.  Buckley, our black lab,  even helped out.... I took pics from the warm, dry car....

We didn't need the shovel, but I'm glad we had it to help this guy out.
So now we're in Severn...snowed in. And I have to go now, as CCD is harassing me about what we're going to eat.  Off to fry to chicken...

Tuesday, October 27

New Orleans

Finally, a few pics from our trip to New Orleans...

Yes, that's Olivia was a bit chilly thanks to the Mississippi.

So glad I brought the BundleMe stroller/car seat "sleeping bag" for Olivia . It was 90 degrees and humid the day before we arrived but in the low 60's and windy while we were there.

How about a closer look at that adorable baby?

I enjoyed some delicious gumbo from here...

We also enjoyed warm delicious beignets (fried dough!)

From here...

All I can say is there was powdered sugar EVERYWHERE!
...and I was wearing all black. Bad move.

One of the downfalls of the historic French Quarter was that restroom renovations was often an afterthought in most restaurants. Therefore ZERO changing tables or countertops, or bathrooms you would even want to bring your child to. So, Olivia had her diaper changed in the open air here..

Jackson Square was beautiful.

We had pralines, shrimp po' boys and jumbalaya, and as much local food as possible. We also enjoyed some delicious Chargrilled Oysters (wow!) from The Royal Oyster House in the French Quarter across the street from our hotel, actually. Unfortunately we devoured them (2 orders) before I realized that I didn't get to take a picture.

On the ride back to the airport, the driver pointed out places that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. You could still see the stained water level on the walls of some of the buildings, and some areas that still need repair. It was eye opening and something I will never forget.

Finally, the reason we came to New Orleans in the first place. This lovely couple's nuptials..

What a party! The reception included the traditional Second Line parade with the entire wedding party and guests trailing the Bride, Groom and band in a parade. I loved it.

Wednesday, October 21

The Airport Story...

Hey friends...I promise the NOLA pics are coming soon.  Sorry for the delay. I used mom's camera and must now get her data cable to download the pics.

But until then, let me fill you in on the dramatic voyage to New Orleans with baby.

The night before I gave baby a bath, packed up her things (in my carryon to save space of course), and we set out our outfits. She got cute pink fleece pants with pockets and floral pink shirt and pink bows and socks and white mary janes and...its SO much fun dressing a baby girl! (breathe)

For myself, I set out a t-shirt, cardigan, and some new jeans as well as some new boots I've been itching to wear somewhere (since heels have been off limits while pregnant). Why I am telling you what I was wearing you ask? Because it became a major point of contention between Charm City Daddy and I the entire day of traveling. In fact, anytime I wear heels he accuses me of "trying to be tall." huh? It really cracks me up. Anyway, yes the Tory boots are roughly a 4 inch heel and yes I can handle it.

Anyway Charm City Daddy likes for us to "match." He was wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt jeans and top siders and to him I didn't "match" him nor did I "look like a mom."  While I could have taken that as a compliment, I was a little insulted and thus driven to prove that YES I can wear 4 inch heels traveling through airports with a child and gear and be a SUPER MOM! Because of his comment I'm a woman on a mission.

Knowing we'd have to drop off the dog at Grandma's for the weekend on the way to the airport, we decide to head to Grandma's a few hours early. Luckily grandma only lives 10 minutes from the airport. We pack up the car (barely) and realize that there is no way we will ever get second child in the new family car we've only had for 6 months. After dog, carseat, the new stroller, 2 carryon duffels, a diaper bag, the au pair and her carryon backpack, the car was filled to the brim.

We finally make it to Grandma's after turning around once (forgot the wedding gift!) with just enough time for me to realize that I will need to borrow her camera (forgot mine) and her curling iron (whoops forgot that too). So far, the super mom thing is not working so well for me.

At Grandma's in anticipation of the airport security rigamaroo, I slip my drivers license into my back pocket for easy access at the check-in and security line. We head to the airport, check in, and hop into the super long security line with no problems. alright! Then I reach in my back pocket for my ID. It's NOT THERE! Ahh! I look at the AP and hubby in pure horror. I will not get past security without ID! Everyone (including my baby) will make it on the flight but me!Ahh!

I search every bag we have while the security line inches closer to the ID checker. NOTHING! I then start backtracking all the way to the garage where we parked the car RUNNING in FOUR-INCH HEEL BOOTS! I search everywhere, the elevator, under the car (on my hands and knees) in the car. Nothing. I call my mom as I am now SPRINTING through the airport. Did I leave it there? She can't find it. I am fighting tears and RUN down an airport cop and ask him where the lost and found is that I lost my ID. He tells me it won't be there this soon. CRAP! He tells me to plea my case to the security checker and show them what I have. Husband, Baby, and Au Pair have proceeded through the line without me and now struggling to collapse the stroller, I hear my baby crying. I approach the  TSA checker and as soon as I open my mouth (out of breath) I tell her my whole story in about 5 seconds flat running the words together and burst into tears "and my baby is right theeeereeeeeee! waaaahhhhhh!" The woman cuts me off and tells me "wait don't cry we'll figure something out." I let out a big exhale. Now I have to get my wallet from the diaper bag my husband has b/c in the frenzy all I could think to grab was the car key and my boarding pass. A TSA guys gets my wallet from CCD (who is disgusted that I "forgot" my ID) and stressed from baby crying and the AP not knowing how to fold the stroller. I show the TSA ID checker every card in my wallet including my Sam's Club card which is the only other picture ID I have on me.  She lets me through and tells me I have a beautiful baby. Thank you Jesus.

I finally get to the gate where I see AP surrounded by our bags strewn across the floor, bouncing a crying (hungry) baby which is missing a sock, a shoe, and hubby is no where to be found. We feed the baby, find the missing shoe, but not the sock just in time for them to call our Zone for boarding. I've got my boarding pass, but CCD is at the bookstore and has the AP's boarding pass. Now I'm worried that if we don't hurry up and board we won't get the coveted overhead storage! So I get in line with the baby and as many bags as I can carry and tell the AP she'll have to wait for my husband. He walks up seconds later.  We board. We sit. Baby falls sound asleep before take off. Charm City Daddy turns to me and says "Well, you do look nice." I burst into full fledge tears. The flight attendant notices baby is missing a sock and asks me "what happened mom?" Still crying, I replied, "at least I didn't lose the baby right?" She gives me a tissue. Charm City Daddy gives me a sip of his cocktail. And scene.

On the return trip I wore flats.

Oh, and word to the wise never trust the back pocket of James Jeans. Mom found my ID in her driveway.

Tuesday, October 13

Traveling with Baby...

So we have finally arrived at the much anticipated First Family Trip.  This Friday daddy, baby, au pair, and I are packing up and heading to New Orleans for the weekend for a wedding in the French Quarter.

Long before Charm City Baby was born, we decided we wanted to bring her with us on this trip, so I've had baby-traveling-anxiety pretty much ever since.  Ahh!

Here are the thoughts that have been racing through my mind since we booked our tickets 3 months ago...

Should we bring the car seat?Will we need the stroller or the baby bjorn carrier in the airport? If I bring the stroller should I bring the bassinet or the car seat? Can I keep the baby strapped to me in at the security checkpoint? Do strollers go on the belt for the x-ray scanner? What if baby cries in first class? How can I prevent it? How will I make it stop? Will people hate us? Where do you change baby diapers on planes? If we take a towncar/cab/shuttle from the airport will they require us to have our car seat? If we go out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner in NOLA and we have no carseat what will we put our baby in?

We've resolved some of these issues (like we're not bringing our carseat--car service will arrived equipped), but not all of them . I'm sure we'll figure it all out. I guess we just have to go through it once to figure out what will work for us. The problem is, Charm City Daddy isn't the smoothest expert traveler, and by that I mean he has no real "system" routine to move efficiently and quickly without forgetting or losing something. I find this silly because he travels all of the time! Go figure.

The good news is, since the trip is just for 2 nights--I'm thinking we can skip checking bags. Also as much as we like to travel and intend to bring the baby with us, I decided to invest in this highly recommended umbrella stroller (in lime green), so I can take the stroller all the way up to gate check. There is nothing wrong with our main stroller, but it doesn't fold as straightforward as an umbrella and the fact that it required its own travel bag sends off red flags to me. I'd die if a wheel axle or something got bent. Plus I don't think it wise to leave it to airport folk who often damage luggage on-the-regular to fold and throw around what was a significant investment that had BETTER last through the rest of my child producing years. Okay!?

Other than all of that silliness, I'm really looking forward to my first visit to NOLA and devouring some beignets! YEAH!

Monday, September 28

Traveling Without Baby...

We made it! Charm City Daddy and I are back from our first trip without the baby.

So we may have spent the entire 4.5 hour flight (both ways) to Vegas looking at my 415 photos of sweet baby O on my iPod while simultaneously watching a movie on Charm City Daddy's---BUT we made it!

I only called my mom once a day--usually midday-- to check on her. I felt like I hit the jackpot when O was actually whining and fussing in the background on one of the calls.

My parents loved taking care of her and I loved the security and assurance of knowing she was in good hands. They said she was excellent and only woke once during the night on Friday and Saturday nights, which is great because she has been doing the same thing for us--usually at 3 am.

The dog, on the other hand, got a BAD report card. Hmm. I think he is acting out from the neglect he's been experiencing since the baby arrived. Poor fella. His life will be lots better when Olivia is big enough to play with him because he LOVES kids and knows how to play hide and go seek with my nieces.

I thought leaving Olivia would be the hardest thing about traveling without her, but making the time to pump breastmilk to keep up my supply and provide myself some relief was pretty tricky too. I had been putting off buying the portable pump but I had to breakdown and do it for this weekend.


I bought the Ameda Purely Yours double electric which runs on batteries, car charges and AC power. Not the bag and all of the other tricks--just the pump and I throw it in a Vera Bradley tote that Olivia got at one of her showers.

Its not the pump I had planned to buy, but I REALLY like it. It uses the same parts as my hospital rental and its extremely easy to use (and fast!), assemble, clean (tubing never touches milk), and portable. I've got it down.
So anyway--it was convenient to have the pump this weekend but not fun to have to dump all of that liquid gold over and over again--just when I started getting 3 ounces! So Bittersweet...just like leaving your baby for a getaway with your husband.

Btw--I was WELL BEHAVED in the Tory Burch boutique in Vegas although I nearly walked out of there with my 3rd diaper bag. Just LOOK at this beauty...
It caught me totally off guard. Tory Burch has baby bags? I didn't see it coming--but I averted the impulsive buy---for's still available online (with free shipping). O!

Wednesday, August 12

Baby Travel Gear

Both Charm City Baby and I (and au pair) will be making our first trip to New Orleans this October for a wedding. Charm City Daddy has been to NOLA before.

In addition to giving me "traveling-with-a-baby-on-an-airplane-anxiety, " the trip has also prompted me to look around at little travel doodads, gadgets and gear that make traveling with baby easier. Not buying. Just looking. We're already overwhelmed with baby gear as it is.

Our hotel has a crib for our room, but browsing the internet I saw this little creation by Phil and Ted for travelers and burst into a full out belly laugh...

Is this even humane?

There are no words. Well, maybe one...Straitjacket?

Wednesday, May 27

No Problem, Mon!

Jamaica was just what we needed right when we needed it.

Friends had planned their destination wedding there more than 2 years ago and nearly 100 folks turned out for the event in over the holiday weekend.

For CCD it was a college and fraternity reunion of sorts, but for me it was time to relax, take my first preggo dip in the deep blue, and enjoy some delicious caribbean cuisine.

Little has changed about Montego Bay since my last trip there four years ago. Since it was CCD's first trip to the island, I was excited to share with him the few local points of interest I knew and of course we explored many more new ones together.

One spot I couldn't wait to revisit was a local jerk shanty called Scotchies. This is constructed of a number of materials including, sticks, hay, palms, cinderblocks and sits humbly on the side of the road with a tiny dirt parking lot complete with random goats that come and go.

Scotchies is a MoBay landmark and the jerk chicken is beyond compare. They marinate, slow cook and smoke the chicken over soaked applewood ALL. DAY. LONG. You can just see the plume of smoke coming from the place as you approach it. It was soo good we went there Day 1, and then made the entire airport shuttle bus stop on the way to airport where others got off with us to get more jerk chicken and festival (deep fried cornbread dumplings).

Being the (un)civilized people we are, we proceeded to take our foil-wrapped, smoky, jerk chicken right into the Air Jamaica Executive Lounge at the airport to eat in front of all of the first class passengers waiting with us. We should have been embarassed but it was soooo good and the bartender didn't even bat an eye, which must mean we weren't the first or the last to do this.

I also debuted my maternity swimsuit and that took some getting used to.

I quickly dubbed it my "birga" as the black ruffles that went down my tummy to the skirt that I thought were so cute felt more like a hot cloak and it flared out in the water. I kept joking with CCD "Look what you did to me. This is the most material I've ever worn at any pool at any age and it's all your fault. I hope you're happy that I'm all covered up. Where's my bikini?" We laughed it off, but I did expose my belly for some sun when I laid out on the lounge chairs. Felt soo good. That and the 4 coconut ice cream cones I had in one sitting. Soooo good.

I was the only preggo at the wedding so lots of our friends were being really sweet about my appearance (the swimsuit) and applauding me for rolling with the group from activity to activity. When you're sugared up on virgin daiquiris and pina coladas it's easy!

Here's my virgin "bobsled" from the Bobsled Cafe on the MoBay "Hip Strip."

After my OB appt yesterday I guess I spent a little too much time in the sun (and enjoying the sugar)--b/c my fluids were low and now I have to drink tons of water and see the doc again in a week. Whoops!

I hope we get to squeeze in one more trip while I am up for it, before the baby arrives. It was a great time AND best of all we didn't have to check any bags! We know that won't last forever...

Monday, May 11

Another Weekend Away...

Since November, Charm City Daddy has been great about planning little weekend getaways each month while we still have the freedom and flexibility to travel--without checking any bags.

The latest trip was to Martha's Vineyard this past weekend. It was lovely.

The trip began with a quick flight to Boston and from there to get to the island we hopped on a teeny tiny, 6-seat, Cessna plane that FREAKED me out. All I could think about was JFK Jr's accident.

Even the sight of the plane creeps me out all over again. You feel every bump and sway from the wind AND on top of that you see the pilot in action hitting tons of dials and buttons. I'm proud I fought through and made the trip to and fro. I couldn't utter a word the entire flight and kept thinking 'stay calm for the baby.' But I'm sure she realized mommy was freaking out.
Once I saw the place, CCD rented for the weekend those 30 minutes of terror in the air were worth it.

and the back of the main house...

the view from the back deck to our private pond the property...

the walkout from the Master Suite overlooking Flat Bottom Pond...

the kitchen...adorable.

There are many more pictures as the property had a guest house, activity barn, writer's studio and so much more. We lucked out on the weather and had a relaxing time--and even entertained friends that came up to visit one day.
Oh, and we ate at this place called Slice of Life in Oak Bluff and everything was sooooo good. I highly recommend it. They had a number of healthy options which CCD enjoyed but I was craving pizza!

It was definitely a slower pace in MV, particularly because we beat the usual Memorial Day rush to the island, but I appreciated that...and the small business owners appreciated us.

I can definitely see us traveling back to the Vineyard by plane and FERRY next time with kids in tow in the future.

Monday, March 23

My Kind of Town...

This weekend I visited my sister and her family in the "land of good food" a.k.a. Chicago!!!

I arrived on Friday just in time for lunch. A Fattoush Salad at Cedar's Mediterranean Kitchen. Amazing.

Later for dinner--I never leave Chicago without a slice of heaven from Giordano's. My brother-in-law also brought home some authentic jerk chicken and red beans and rice. It was hands down, the best I've had since I was in Jamaica and tasted like it was smoked on applewood. Wow.

Other food over the weekend included a Chicago Pizza Puff (first timer), an Italian Beef (first-timer), and the usual Chicago Dog--or "Magnificent Char Dog" from Gold Coast Dogs...

The next morning I got my first taste of what it may be like to do Charm City Baby's hair when she's two years old, when I volunteered to do my niece's hair and get her dressed for the day.This was really fun b/c she LOVES the camera.

Here's the before...

She told me in her two-year old voice she has "Wild, Wild Hair" quoting one of her favorite children's books by Nikki Grimes.--a book every little brown girl should have, in my opinion.
Anyway...after 20 minutes of hearing her say "ouch" and "finished yet?" and responding "I'm sorry!" and "almost!"we had a finished product (and a smiling face!)...

And just because she LOVES to pose...all dressed in her High School Musical jogging suit...

This was good practice for me. I think I did a good (not perfect) job, but I accidentally did her hair while she was still in her pajamas and had to force her head into her t-shirt without messing up her do--no easy task--but a lot of giggling.
All and all--a great time in Chi-town. I can't wait to go back!