Sunday, April 5

Nursery Update!

The painters finished the nursery this week and it looks fantastic!

Just so you get a better since of what decade (the 80's) we started with...

and during (after wallpaper removal)...

and here's the after...
That's black chalkboard paint (fun fun fun!). Black chalkboard paint is on two walls that mirror each other, while white is on the other two opposing walls. You should have seen my mom's face when I told her I was painting the baby's room black. Priceless.
The ceiling detail is my favorite...

I like how the painters carried the ceiling stripes down to the (picture rail) crown molding in the corners. It is hard to tell from these pictures but I also had the stripes alternate between satin and flat finish paint to add some interest. I hear babies like contrast. I also heard a long time ago that yellow makes babies cry, so we used that in moderation.
I am so grateful to the inspiration pic from Domino Magazine's feature on Jenna Lyons. And just think Domino is extinct now. Sad.
Keeping inspiration in mind, I hope to incorporate more of my own touches in the rest of nursery, so that the room is in keeping with the "classic meets modern" direction the rest of the house is going. But this room is so fresh and fun that it doesn't bother me if it turns out to have a bit more of a modern edge than the other rooms in the house.
I can't wait to see the finished product. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Nice Kicks...

I've been feeling Charm City Baby move around since mid-March. From moments of sharp pain and discomfort that comes and goes in seconds to what feels like gas or an internal stomach growl--my sister confirmed for me "that would be your baby moving."

This week, however, I've been feeling (and seeing) actual kicks and possibly stretches of Charm City Baby!

Of course, it's nothing like this yet...

...but it feels like it!

Charm City Daddy has been enjoying the kicks too. CCB always gives us a nice long session, enough time for me to inform CCD and for him to feel her go at it. Speak of the devil--she's going at it right now as I type.

In the beginning, it seemed like she responded to the vibrations in the car rides a lot. Now it seems like she responds to let's see: the pastor's sermon at church, anytime I lay down or sit down after doing a lot of walking around or moving, meetings at work, food, drink, anything!

I just love it! I hear later on in the pregnancy, however, it keeps you up at night. Nice! I'll enjoy this excitement while it lasts.

Wednesday, April 1

Appointment Update: 19 weeks

So, if we hadn't spoiled Christmas, this is the appoinment where Charm City Daddy and I would have first found out that we're having a girl. Instead our ultrasound only confirmed what we already knew. GIRL!

Charm City Baby (Olivia) is weighing in at 11 ounces. According to my pregnancy books, 6 to 7 ounces is the listed weight for 19 weeks, so I'd like to think that Oliva has a little meat on her bone. Or perhaps she's long. I like that idea too.

Here are some fun sonograms from this trip.

The profile...looks like she is blowing bubbles but that's cord...

A big foot! (my favorite of our batch this time)

And finally--a bonus 4D of CCB's face. It is way too early to get a good 4D image but...

Still feeling great, so please keep us your thoughts and prayers.