Thursday, October 29

The Baby Clambake

It rained. It poured. But not even a forecast with an 80 percent chance of thunderstorms could deter us from celebrating the arrival of Charm City Baby.

Here is the pictures.

Plenty of alcohol calls for plenty of water. (I used leftover wedding ribbon for a finishing touch.)

The Raw Bar...

..was a hit!

The Cupid Shuffle makes everyone dance.

But my parents would dance to anything.
It runs in the family (my niece).

the hosts...(check out the rain on CCD's blazer).
And OF COURSE...the guest of honor, Charm City Baby!

with MIL and expression of "what the heck is going on?"

Ironically, Olivia slept through most of her own party, only making three appearances. Luckily I had the foresight to create a DVD of the hundreds of photos I've taken over her first two months of life including the momentous hospital arrival. So, our guests enjoyed the slideshow set to Maxwell's Pretty Wings in our living room until the guest of honor made her appearances. It worked out rather well, I must say.

It will be a while before we do another one of these 6-hour bashes, but I see lots of house parties on our parental future.

Wednesday, October 28

The "Po-Po" Explosion...

Good Morning!!!!!!! Thanks to Cafe DuMonde coffee from our New Orleans trip, I've been wired ALL morning! yeeehaaww!

I just had to post this morning that since Olivia has made it up to 12 pounds (with a major growth spurt where she can handily chug down 5-6 ounces) we debuted our cloth diapers for the first time last night for bed. And yes they are sooo cute on her little bum, although she had J.Lo booty with the doubler in there.

We made it all night with no leaks of "Chi-Chi" (which means Pee Pee according to the Columbian nanny). And then this morning for her first feeding she let out a "Po-Po" (pronounced Poe-Poe) explosion in that there BumGenius 3.0 that made me regret my whole life!

It was massive and it did stay nicely contained in the diaper but THEN I had to clean it! O.M.G. I don't think anything short of a power washer could have remedied that awful, grainy, yellow mess (that continues to haunt my memory).

I put her little tail right back into a disposable diaper this morning. I'm not ready yet.

What will we do when she starts eating solids? Adios Mio.